A tale of two MORE Cliffs (contest part deux)

Thu May 29, 2008 11:46 pm
by Donner
2 Cliff Hanger distortions ( see the review thread if you havent already)
Should be here next week - $456 shipped and paypalled.....
its end of TV season and lots of 'cliff hangers' this week .........sooooooo..........
Whats the best/worst cliff hanger you've ever seen on a show ???
One CH goes to best Cliff Hanger story and one to draw from thread entries........
Re: A tale of two Cliffs (contest)

Fri May 30, 2008 2:20 am
by bjf-crazy
My Cliff Hanger story coming soon..

Re: A tale of two Cliffs (contest)

Fri May 30, 2008 4:49 am
by horsehead75
My cliffhanger entry:
"How the hell McGyver does it everytime?"
Re: A tale of two Cliffs (contest)

Fri May 30, 2008 8:33 am
by zion
For some strange to me reason, Geraldo popped into me head.
Remember when he was opening up Al Capone's Vault? Here's the story:
Al Capone was a Neapolitan born to immigrant parents in New York City who eventually moved to Chicago, Illinois. There he grew to become a notable criminal figure and gangster in American history. He played large parts in gambling, alcohol, and prostitution rackets and in 1925 Capone took control of the Chicago Outfit for which he had served as the second in command, after an assassination attempt on former head Johnny Torrio. He was listed on the FBI's "Most Wanted" list, sold alcohol during the Prohibition era, planned the St. Valentine's Day massacre, and was eventually indicted and convicted of income tax evasion in 1931.
Capone had previously housed his headquarters at the nearby Metropole Hotel, but in July 1928 moved to a suite at the Lexington Hotel. Capone ran his various enterprises from this hotel until his arrest in 1931. A construction company in the 1980s planned a renovation of the Lexington Hotel and while surveying the building discovered a shooting range and a series of secret tunnels including one hidden behind Capone's medicine cabinet. These tunnels connected taverns and whorehouses to provide an elaborate potential escape route in case of a police raid. These discoveries led to further investigation of the hotel, notably by researcher Harold Rubin. Rumors said Capone had kept a very secret vault beneath the hotel to hold some of his wealth. No loot was ever found, however. In addition, the renovation of the Lexington Hotel fell apart, and the entire structure was torn down in 1995. There was nothing in Al Capone's vault, but it wasn't Geraldo's fault!
Geraldo Rivera had been fired in 1985 after criticizing ABC for cancelling his report on an alleged relationship between John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. He hosted the special, The Mystery of Al Capone's Vault, which was broadcast live on April 21, 1986. The two hour special (including commercials) was greatly hyped as potentially revealing great riches or bodies on live television. This included the presence of a medical examiner should bodies be found and agents from the Internal Revenue Service to collect any of Capone's money that may be discovered. When the vault was finally opened the only things found inside were dirt and several empty bottles including one Geraldo claimed was for moonshine bathtub gin. Despite the ending the special became the most-watched syndicated television special with an estimated audience of 30,000,000. Rivera later wrote of the event in his 1991 autobiography Exposing Myself that "My career was not over, I knew, but had just begun. And all because of a silly, high-concept stunt that failed to deliver on its titillating promise." The term "Al Capone's vault" has become slang for a heavily expected event with disappointing results.
Re: A tale of two Cliffs (contest)

Fri May 30, 2008 9:28 am
by kb892
easy one....
Who is Cartman's father?
Re: A tale of two Cliffs (contest)

Fri May 30, 2008 4:45 pm
by Cobra
Methinks the real cliffhanger is whether & when the Loudermore 3watt amp becomes ready for public consumption!
Re: A tale of two Cliffs (contest)

Fri May 30, 2008 4:47 pm
by mrpicard
The worse ever has to be the "Happy Days" episode when the Fonz was about to jump the shark. In fact, that episode is so famous that it coined a new term to describe the point in a TV series at which the show veers into a ridiculous, out-of-the-ordinary stories . You may find this interesting:
Re: A tale of two Cliffs (contest)

Fri May 30, 2008 11:23 pm
by SunnyRollins
who killed Laura Palmer???
Re: A tale of two Cliffs (contest)

Sat May 31, 2008 8:41 am
by Eskimo_Joe
I agree, it has to be Dallas with Who Shot JR?
Some others:
Best consistent use of cliffhangers -- (Tie) 24 and Lost
Best movie Cliffhanger -- Empire Strikes Back