while the heat wave is over Scandinavia it's not a smart thing to fire up a soldering iron. So, I'll take the time to answer some questions put to me regarding LouderAndMore amp in private communication.
The main concern seems to be how much personal hands on involvement by Bjorn
and myself will there be if the amps will be assembled by a subcontractor. It is a valid
and justified concern when a piece of art (or kitch if you prefer) is offered as an original signed limited edition.
To answer it extensively I need to digress
and take you back to May 1st 1966. After all, I pop up on this forum, present myself as Bjorns friend but you may justifiably wonder who the heck I am
and from where did I pop up.
Alright, in my profile I put my location as "A chimney on top of a building somewhere in EE 1966".
Strange as it may sound there's a wiggly line connecting this location
and LouderAndMore amp.
The building
and chimney in question is at Latitude 52°13'5.47"N, Longitude 20°58'56.51"E
and it's marked on Google Earth.
At that time I was a high school student
and every year on May 1st we were hoarded off to participate in a mass parade designed to demonstrate peoples devotion to the party
and it's leaders as well as to the big brother in the East. Myself
and some other guys skipped the parade
and as the day was warm
and sunny we decided to go somewhere were we couldn't be found by militia patrolling the streets in search of suspect individuals who weren't at the parade. We just needed a place to have some smokes
and booze to wash down garlicky sausage in honor of the day. We chose the roof on the building where I lived. It was a flat roof some 7 storeys above ground. We had our picknick, sang a few dissident songs in both polish
and russian for good measure. After some time, the booze, the smokes
and the sausage did their work on my lower intestine. Of course, I couldn't go down to our apartment in case someone might see me. You never knew which one of your neighbors was the informant. So, without further ado, I dropped my pants, sat on THE CHIMNEY
and dumped a healthy load all 7 storeys down to the central heating oven in the basement. In the process I was doing my rendition of "Sitting On Top Of The World"
and in the distance I could see the TELAM vacuum tube factory.
Fast forward to present day. I have managed to acquire a stash of NOS ECL82/6M8B TELAM tubes for this first batch of LouderAndMore amps. There is a statistical probability, however small, that some of them were made within a day or two of this historical moment. (May 1st, 1966 was a Sunday) I promise you they don't smell
and they definitely don't sound like crap.
So, will there be personal hands on involvement in manufacturing of the amps? Yes.
The subcontractor will only do manual assembly of the PCBs
and amp chassis. I shall personally measure
and select components critical to amps voicing, Bjorn shall do the same with the FET transistor used in the preamp. A second transistor used in the preamp is a NOS low noise type from 1979, no longer manufactured, that I used in some studio equipment I designed on my first real design job. I have enough of them for this batch. Oh, yes, that job was with the company who will do the amp chassis assembly, their current managing director used to crawl under my desk back then, he is the owners son.
I shall scrutinize
and test each board comparatively to the master prototype for consistency on all electrical parameters, any deviation will be corrected.
I shall be taking a lot of photographs during manufacturing of the amps
and will be posting them in this thread so you will be able to follow the amps through the process
and meet everybody involved.
After burn in amps will be re-tested
and played by Bjorn
and A/B compared to master prototype.
Once we both are satisfied with amps performance both electrically
and tone wise then
and only then will we sign them. If that is not enough
and a DNA sample is required as proof of genuity I'll pluck a hair from my mustache
and attach an regular evidence bag containing it to the inner wall of chassis. You can then clone me if you wish but I beg you to not let me meet any of the clones, I'd be bored to death talking to myself.
Bjorn just told me on the phone he's growing a mustache for the same purpose.
Seriously, the main reason for subcontracting the most tedious part of manufacture is to keep the cost down. Building a batch of 25 amps is a different undertaking than building a Mad Professor or a Tubewonder to order one at a time.
PS. The way I see I didn't just pop up here. I came down from The Chimney
and I'll gladly tell you
more Mr.
More stories, one at a time