analoghog wrote:
so it can be played thru a 16 ohm, 4x12 cabinet safely , but it just won't be as loud?.....
Well, I think it's not a very good idea after all. This is a SE output stage and as such it's rather sensitive to load impedance mismatch especially if you load it with 2x higher impedance than nominal. Going lower to 4 Ohms is less problematic.
What can you do?
You could rewire your 4x12 to 4 Ohm - still not optimal but would work. I suspect the sound will be a bit thin though as with less than 1 watt available for each speaker they won't be moving enough air to flap a handkerchief in front of them, not to mention your pants - isn't this what 4x12 are for
Here's a wild thing

to do since your cab has 4 or 16 Ohm speakers:
Rewire your cab to stereo 2 x 8 Ohm, you need one extra jack (and maybe but not necessarily a switch for reverting back to mono 16 Ohm).
Get 2 Louder & More heads each feeding respective 2 speakers in the cab.
Run your guitar through a Y-splitter (cable or buffered) into the 2 Louder & More heads.
If your cab is already mono/stereo pre-wired you're home free.
Louder & More heads will be ca 12-13" wide so they should fit nicely on top of the 4x12
How about that