So what is the difference between louder and more ???

You could just call it the 'LouderMore'
sort of like the Edgar Allen Poe story
Thus qouthe the Raven ~ "LouderMore"

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nichcope wrote:Any idea on a tentative release date for the amp?
Donner wrote:You know Louder and More reminds me of Shrek the lovable troll - whom I believe has 3 digits on his feet.... so maybe instead of Pentode or Triode you could just have a green Tritoed knob ~~ mmmmnevermore or less
VacuumVoodoo wrote:
The idea is for it look a bit like miniature slanted 412 with some twists. Baffle is moved back a little and slanted 3-4 degrees. Grill cloth will be stretched over a separate baffle made of flexible plywood so it can be bent into a convex shape. The slits in the front baffle are designed to give a similar but very different function to beam blockers - instead of blocking high frequencies the slits form sort of acoustic diffractive lens. I think Gibson used this principle in the early days.
British Green vinyl covering, oxblood with interwoven gold threads, logo in polished brass. Dimensions in mm WxHxD 450x400x225
Control panel will be on top, recessed.
Let me know what you think
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