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Sun May 11, 2008 11:10 pm
by I am Incinerator
Well, I picked up an EGDM (#133) on the TGP emporium, after some recent good news (or false alarm, which caused me to let go of my last one)
I send off the payment hopefully it'll be here shortly there after

This is the one that seems to slip through my fingers, but third time is a they say.

Tue May 20, 2008 10:17 am
by I am Incinerator
I just had a question for you guys. I sent off a Money Order for the EGDM on 5/12...the mailbox said it had a 5:30 PM pickup for that box. The guy who sold me the EGDM on TGP says he hasn't received it yet (as of Saturday)...the MO is going from Omaha, NE to Redondo Beach, CA. In the past, I've received MO's pretty quick and they've got to where I sent them pretty quick.
I've never had a MO go MIA before, what are the steps I need to take to get this resolved.

Tue May 20, 2008 11:48 am
by Craise
USPS is super slow these days...gas prices I'm sure...
It took almost two weeks (1st class)for a MO to get from NC to me in Atlanta last week...
I have two music books that I shipped two weeks ago that haven't arrived yet...(media mail)
Something up for sure...

Tue May 20, 2008 1:43 pm
by I am Incinerator
Craise wrote:USPS is super slow these days...gas prices I'm sure...
It took almost two weeks (1st class)for a MO to get from NC to me in Atlanta last week...
I have two music books that I shipped two weeks ago that haven't arrived yet...(media mail)
Something up for sure...
I hope that's what it is. I'd hate for the envelope to have gotten stuck in the seam of a mailbox, never to be seen again.
I figure it's only been on it's way since last I'll hang in there another few days. When should I go to the Post Office to inquire?

Tue May 20, 2008 2:40 pm
by Craise
Wait as long as you think you can...(2 weeks?)
I think you can cancel the MO at the post office as long as you have the receipt..

Wed May 21, 2008 10:23 am
by I am Incinerator
I had a moment of relief yesterday when I got home. The money order was returned to me due to an insufficient shipping address...and error on my part (d'oh!).
It was put back on its way this morning. too bad it's a long weekend...

Fri May 23, 2008 10:17 am
by Rock72
Glad it worked out for you. Pretty stessful when you have no idea where your money is. And, I'm glad you're getting an EGDM back. Killer pedal!!!

Fri May 23, 2008 11:39 am
by I am Incinerator
Rock72 wrote:Glad it worked out for you. Pretty stessful when you have no idea where your money is. And, I'm glad you're getting an EGDM back. Killer pedal!!!
It definitely is a killer, and a haunting one too...I'm not letting this one go.

Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:05 am
by emjee
I expect only a BJF (and maybe or two other brands) would cause such worry! It has taken three BJF's for me to learn: The first one (for a HB) I sent the MO regular mail. It took days. Then the second one (DRD) I sent signature confirmation, thinking it would ease my mind. That one took ten days. I found out later signature confirmation doesnt get the letter there any faster. So this time (I'm wait for a PPF now) I sent it three day priority, w/sig conf. This way, if its not there in three working days I get the money back for paying "priority". Hope it arrives soon!