Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Visuals of the new MP's...
Snow White in the Green Forest
Just got the Snow White Auto Wah and Forest Green Compressor boxes from painting/printing.
The two pedals will now go to production and next month they will ship all around the world.
We try to make few pedals before Summer NAMM so if you in Nashville come over the check these out.
Contact your favorite dealer and order your pedals from the first production run.
Tired but happy Mad Professor Amplification R&D team
Snow White in the Green Forest
Just got the Snow White Auto Wah and Forest Green Compressor boxes from painting/printing.
The two pedals will now go to production and next month they will ship all around the world.
We try to make few pedals before Summer NAMM so if you in Nashville come over the check these out.
Contact your favorite dealer and order your pedals from the first production run.
Tired but happy Mad Professor Amplification R&D team