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Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:40 pm
by thiscalltoarms
I also just got a FGC in the mail, so far I am fairly impressed. I tend not to do so well with compressors, I've been on the never ending search for the compressor that fits me. So far I dig the FGC, mostly on the Sustainer setting. Zion, can you suggest some sorta subtle settings that you've been digging? I am just trying to get the hang of this thing.
So far I definitely like it more than the other alternatives I have tried (barber, monte-allums, dyna comps, diamond etc.). Its somehow fuller sounding. More updates will come with time.
Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:53 pm
by zion
I've got the comp first in line. L=10:00, C=1:00, T=Hair less than noon. I'm switching between comp and sustain. This is very similar to how I ran the BJFE comp.
Having the sustain-side up is pretty sweet. Kinda like an "enhancer" for the whole rig. Comp is the pedal that gets moved around a ton on my board. It's a chameleon depending on where its in the chain. In the latest Tone Quest P. Cornish said that comps should go first in line, so that's where mine went today.
I'm really gonna put in some time with these pedals tonight and will report any happiness they bring.
Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:54 pm
by thiscalltoarms
I just put two more hours of jamming the FGC in, and I thought it sounded gorgeous in sustain mode. works very well with chords and helps to enhance the clean tone with more of everything. really adding the "oomph" I was hoping for to my clean rhythms. I found that I liked it better in compression mode for leads and fast arpeggios, but honestly, I miss the tonal "enhancement" of the sustain mode as soon as I switch off of it. A more in depth review will likely follow tomorrow. Sounds great for now though.
Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Wed Jun 04, 2008 10:56 am
by Robapov
just got my snow white and i am blown away...amazing sounds and very musical!
SWAW -> FF -> PGC -> CAF -> Bugbrand Bugcrusher
sound mayhem!
Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:10 pm
by frosty
When can we expect to see these available to the public?
Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:46 pm
by Donner
frosty wrote:When can we expect to see these available to the public?
NAMM is just ahead which always both flusters things and pushes them forward - so Harri and Co. should be coughin these suckers up en masse shortly after NAMM

Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Sat Jun 07, 2008 5:09 pm
by cabo
thiscalltoarms wrote:I just put two more hours of jamming the FGC in, and I thought it sounded gorgeous in sustain mode. works very well with chords and helps to enhance the clean tone with more of everything. really adding the "oomph" I was hoping for to my clean rhythms. I found that I liked it better in compression mode for leads and fast arpeggios, but honestly, I miss the tonal "enhancement" of the sustain mode as soon as I switch off of it. A more in depth review will likely follow tomorrow. Sounds great for now though.
hmmm I wonder if there is a way to use both sustain and comp at the same time? or will it only be one or the other?
Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:50 pm
by Donner
cabo wrote:thiscalltoarms wrote:I just put two more hours of jamming the FGC in, and I thought it sounded gorgeous in sustain mode. works very well with chords and helps to enhance the clean tone with more of everything. really adding the "oomph" I was hoping for to my clean rhythms. I found that I liked it better in compression mode for leads and fast arpeggios, but honestly, I miss the tonal "enhancement" of the sustain mode as soon as I switch off of it. A more in depth review will likely follow tomorrow. Sounds great for now though.
hmmm I wonder if there is a way to use both sustain and comp at the same time? or will it only be one or the other?
well I think 'sustain' is compression with the normal attack/leading edge of the note - not sure if you can blend between the two......
Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:42 am
by cabo
Donner wrote:cabo wrote:thiscalltoarms wrote:I just put two more hours of jamming the FGC in, and I thought it sounded gorgeous in sustain mode. works very well with chords and helps to enhance the clean tone with more of everything. really adding the "oomph" I was hoping for to my clean rhythms. I found that I liked it better in compression mode for leads and fast arpeggios, but honestly, I miss the tonal "enhancement" of the sustain mode as soon as I switch off of it. A more in depth review will likely follow tomorrow. Sounds great for now though.
hmmm I wonder if there is a way to use both sustain and comp at the same time? or will it only be one or the other?
well I think 'sustain' is compression with the normal attack/leading edge of the note - not sure if you can blend between the two......
I see what you mean,,,I wasnt sure if it was a 2 or 3 position toggle, maybe Ill shoot harri and email to find out for sure...thanks
Re: Snow White and Forest Green MP's

Mon Jun 16, 2008 5:53 pm
by Donner
ah good point it could be a 3 position... you got me beat on that one , I havent seen a proto for it .....