Hi everybody,
I'm not sure if I inspired this thread or not, but since I recently listed a MGMV I'm guessing I may have, so I'll throw in my two cents.
There were a few factors in how I priced the MGMV. First is the fact that to get a brand new MGMV from Custom Sounds (the best stocked dealer on average) is $640. I paid $550 (I think) a while back, but in my opinion, it wouldn't make any rational sense to sell the pedal for less than the retail price of a new one given the trends on other BJF pedals. While this is not a deliberate profit seeking activity for me, I'm also not interested in giving money away either.
In addition, what you pay for something is not what something is worth. Second, to get a new one involves waiting an undeterminable amount of time. Some people don't mind waiting.
Others attach a value to not having to wait and are willing to pay a reasonable (to them) fee to have it now instead of later. I am certainly one of those people from the buyer side, so maybe that influences how I think about selling too.
Lastly, the last few MGMV's on TGP and eBay have gone for more than $640.
In my opinion, the uncool thing is if a person is involved in pedals simply to flip them for profit. Donner said it very well regarding how this type of activity can defeat the R&D process. As for me, I have never bought a pedal with the intention of flipping it. There have been a handful of occasions when I've bought a pedal and disliked it and sold it at a profit (usually after time has passed), but more often than not I break even or lose a small amount on the deal with shipping and paypal, etc. It evens out though.
On the subject of selling BJF pedals specifically, I've never sold a BJF pedal. I flirted with selling the Purple Plum, but couldn't pull the trigger despite numerous generous offers, especially from my friends here on the forum. I would like to sell the MGMV since I have the two stomp version and I've come to the realization that I have way too many pedals.

(and one two few Les Paul's)

If anyone has an issue with the above, I'd love to understand where you're coming from. Feel free to pm me.