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EGDM trimmer usage

Thu May 01, 2008 2:05 pm
by Donner
For those of you that have or had an EGDMachine - where did you end up with the internal treble trimmer - was it a set and forget for you or something you changed often ??
Re: EGDM trimmer usage

Thu May 01, 2008 3:11 pm
by kb892
I just recently got my EGDM and right now it's set at about 1/4 up from it's lowest setting. I'm running it into a Bad Cat Cub IIr set pretty clean & jangley. The first couple days it went back and forth between that and a tiny Kalamazoo Model 1 for late night playing and it didn't work out as the Kalamazoo is really dark and breaks up pretty fast. I bought mine used so I'm really interested in this topic. I thought I read somewhere that it came stock at 2/3 the way up and if that's true I think I would find it very brittle at higher gain settings without some amp breakup to smooth it out a little.
Re: EGDM trimmer usage

Thu May 08, 2008 2:51 pm
by Rock72
I bought mine used to and honestly haven't given the internal trimmer much thought. It sound good as it is. I asked the seller if he had adjusted it and he said no. I will open and check where mine's at.
Re: EGDM trimmer usage

Thu May 08, 2008 4:56 pm
by analoghog
when i bought mine second-hand it was set perfectly, and i haven't really played around with it much after the intial curiousity....
Re: EGDM trimmer usage

Thu May 08, 2008 6:42 pm
by kb892
i actually had to dig mine out from the goop, must have gotten warm at some point the goop even stuck one side of the bottom plate shut!
Re: EGDM trimmer usage

Fri May 09, 2008 3:14 pm
by Cobra
I only messed with my trimmer once, and after I had my EGDM for awhile... Initially I didn't know it even had a trimmer, but once I found out about it, & that it was a set-&-forget adjustment for the overall highs, I went in & checked it out. I tried it's entire range, but found that it sounded best with just a smidge more highs than Bjorn's factory setting.(Bjorn's got good ears, nothing new there!)
I run 2 Z-28 combos in stereo, which use an EF86 front end, 12ax7 PI, two 6V6's for power, and a GZ34 recto... One has a Scumback 12" 75HP, the other has one Scumback 10" H, & one factory stock Dr.Z 10"...
The Z-28's sound like a brown Deluxe, & I set them up just on the cusp of breakup, & use pedals & stacks from there for gainier sounds...
I put the amp info here for a frame of reference.