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BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:55 pm
by Donner
So Im curious what amp and speaker choices you guys have made in general but particularly with BJFE drives.....
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:02 pm
by BJF
I'd use
Phillips AD1256MB ( modified centercone) Alnico
Eminence Red Fang Alnico
Eminence Private Jack
Eminence custom speakers
Celestion Greenback
Celestion Gold
EV12L- the extended midrange model
Sinus 12" Alnico, modelnumber missing but made at t6the Sinus loudspeaker factory Lidingo throughout the 50's and 60's
Oh yea, one Jensen ceramic, but it is obsolete now and I'll need to get the number of the model and likely the most inexpensive but also best sounding- to my ear- model Jensen ever made.
Right and I'd also enjoy the James B Lansing 15" or12" specifically for clean sounds
Also the Celestion blue or silver for semiclean reverbeo effects- this would need a specific amp seting to do its magic but fine at that- distorted then like the Lansings too 'HiFi'
There would be many fine speakers but as a manufacturer and musician, I'd say Eminence and their crew have been the best to work with.
There was a time when Eminence held a less good name from being used in the cheapest of amps and car stereos and I will admitt to being sceptic but these days Eminence has reformed.
Look in Europe Celestion was the sound of rock or pop for that matter while maybe Jensen had the sounds of country...........
What is great today is the fact there are many functions an soloutions.
True all my choices are based on how things would hold up under distortion and that is because that's a harder ruler than what could be used fdor 'clean' guitar' if just by such a simple measure as useable bandwith/presented bandwith and because research shows that for very low distortion range is wide but that with the denser distortion range narrows, which gives more shdes of clean sounds that would be similar but that when distortion is increased the range of what could be used for both clean and distorted narrows as some things that are not heard with a 'clean' sound reveal at just the hint of distortion- mostly just because of bandwith..................
Yes there is tons more but it is the end of the day..........and what happens at the end of the day?
Perhaps you'd call it a day and cut your losses or think and gain for a brave new tomorrow
Have fun
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Mon Apr 28, 2008 7:47 am
by cabo
most of the time its EL34 w/Greenbacks or Private Jack/Red Fang Combo(depending on cab size needed)
main stay bjf drives would be RRB, BBOD, DRD, and HB,,,these have worked quite well with my setup.
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Wed Jun 18, 2008 11:35 pm
by Donner
thats a good point BJ,,, some might have a different choice depending on clean or distorted usage ....
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:28 am
by VacuumVoodoo
Well, not being a guitar player would my views be worth a dime?
Coming from studio/PA world I am a guitar listener. When designing an amp and evaluating loudspeakers I always have a question in my head: How will this record?
My first exposure to studio monitoring were Tannoys and later on JBLs in various large and small monitors and PA systems.
So, I'm on the look out for guitar speakers rich in sonic detail that will not mask nuances while imprinting their own timbral character. This in turn sets demands on the amp to have enough headroom to preserve dynamics of the instrument and its masters playing.
It's the reason why I seldom am satisfied with one single speaker and usually go for a combination of two different ones.
Currently my preferred duet is Eminence Red Fang + Private Jack in an over sized 2x12 cab.
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Thu Jun 19, 2008 12:02 pm
by DocRock
Yes, BJ has told me that this is a great sounding combination. I must hear it sometime.
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:23 pm
by Donner
I really like alnico speakers sometimes.... but they also have the most coloration , which can be good.... but I always feel like Im hearing the speakers more than any thing else ......
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:10 pm
by Donner
Yey! I finally got to try the Red Fangs...very nice - I got some 10s and put one in a little marshall cab and it sounds r eally good -especially thru t he mids andthe overal balance....... I want to put t hem in a Marshal 4 10 cab I have.....
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Thu Sep 25, 2008 1:41 am
by VacuumVoodoo
Aha! So you got those new 10" Red Fangs. One word: Explosive! I think you could mix two of them with 10" Wizards for a punch in the face followed by a kick in the solar plexus sound. Think Tae-Kwon-Do with Thai kick boxing mixed in.
Re: BJFE users Amp/Speaker Usage POLL and discussion

Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:56 am
by thiscalltoarms
I got vintage 30's in my VHT open back, a budda phat custom eminence speaker (nice lows and mids, treble isn't always what I want though...) in my budda combo, and I put a Weber Blue in a Blackheart Closed back cab I have around. The Blue sounds the least impressive with most of my BJFE stuff to my ear- except the HBOD! That things loves the Weber Blues- its got the right treble in the cone to bring out more top end in the HB.
I run all EL84 based amps currently. Orange AD30HTC Head and Budda Superdrive II 18 Watt Combo.