Re: How is Mad Professor doing????

DocRock wrote:Excellent observations, EJ!
You do make a good point about the "apples to apples" comment. It is true that the only BJF counterpart to an MP pedal is the LGW (and the AMWM, but those are so scarce, it almost doesn't count). I hadn't really thought about that when I was typing my comments. I guess maybe what I was getting at, in a broader sense, was that some folks might tend to hold out and spend their money on the BJF brand pedal as opposed to the MP brand of pedals.
Just brainstorming here, one thing Harri et al. at MP could do to address the "lack of human touch" to their pedals (even though they ARE handmade) would be to have the builders themselves start signing the bottom plates or something. Maybe even have pics and little bios about the kind Finnish folks who do the work to make these creations for us? Maybe some of the folks attracted to the handmade nature of the BJF brand could also be more attracted to the MP brand if we could know who is actually making them. The best would cost them NOTHING to do it.
Remember the Tylenol TV commercials from a few months back, when they had people who worked there (or at least actors pretending to be) give little personal statements about the pride they take in making a product that so many people like, etc.? Or some of the auto maker commercials or the cereal commercials where you see factory workers talking about the cereal they make or the cars they build?
I think it could only enhance the "human factor" if the folks at MP who build the pedals were to sign them on the inside or something. I also like my idea of identifying them on the MP website. All of this could make a better connection with the consumer, thereby reinforcing the idea that these pedals cost what they cost because they're still handmade by a real, live human being and not punched out on an assembly line.
Anyway, just my continued ramblings....
Totally agree Doc! These are great ideas I think. I know the brand that I work on is brainstorming ideas to do much the same thing. How do make a mass produced brand feel local and personal? The ideas you mentioned do a lot to bridge that gap at minimal expense. Would really set MP apart!