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Re: Tiny Orange Phaser reviews

Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:06 pm
by nibus
you can run it at 12v as per Bjorn, but not 18v. That should increase the headroom a bit.
it does clip a little if you push it, but I've found that if you just play lighter it is just fine. I love the sound of it, its the best phaser I have ever heard or played. Bjorn also recommends to run it at the beginning of your chain, before OD's.
Re: Tiny Orange Phaser reviews

Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:48 pm
by Jagattack
I was just running the TOP on its own with a battery, tried a 9v power supply which didn't change things, so I will see
if I've got anything around that puts out 12v and try that. I'm not a particularly heavy player either - never break strings.
The clipping is worst when using the bridge pickup alone, and it is set just below the pickup rings, so the pickup is not up to the strings.
This just seemed strange as there's more output from the neck pickup or both on compared to the bridge but less clip. Does it mean the
circuit clips more at the treble end of the spectrum?
I do agree that it is possibly the best sounding phaser there is, and as a bonus you get two phase sounds in one pedal.
Re: Tiny Orange Phaser reviews

Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:57 am
by nibus
I think that mids clip more than bass and treble. I have found the same thing on my LP's.
If you have a voodoo labs PP2+ you should be able to run two sag outputs together at around 12v. You might want to check with a multimeter first to make sure its about 12.
Re: Tiny Orange Phaser reviews

Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:01 am
by siderealtime
With the PP2+ can't you just flip one of the DIP switches in the back to put that output to 12V, boss aca style?
Re: Tiny Orange Phaser reviews

Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:36 pm
by Mike52
Well I got my TOP and it won't do the slow speed. I played along with Donners video and the speed on my was faster at every setting he demo'd. I bought it through Tone Factor. Sticker on the back says TOP 0100. What do I do?
Re: Tiny Orange Phaser reviews

Sun Oct 12, 2008 11:14 pm
by Donner
Mike52 wrote:Well I got my TOP and it won't do the slow speed. I played along with Donners video and the speed on my was faster at every setting he demo'd. I bought it through Tone Factor. Sticker on the back says TOP 0100. What do I do?
It probably has the wrong value speed pot - Ill PM you ...