Re: Honey Bee Deluxe

mine is finally here
I am reallllllllly loving it, its good to get the honey bee back!

Robapov wrote:mine is finally hereI am reallllllllly loving it, its good to get the honey bee back!
sonictroubadour wrote:gregory49 wrote:I have one and LOVE it!!!! Amazing pedal. way better then the regular honey bee. its actually not quite as dark either.
That's funny, as the only real difference I could discern was that my HBOD DLX is a little darker sounding than my HBOD. Even after tweaking knobs around for an hour trying to replicate the sounds of my fav HBOD settings, I couldn't get it to sound exactly the same. I could get really close, but it always sounded a little darker, but also, being a touch darker, a little richer, smoother. So, I've decided it is just that each pedal is, naturally, a little different, no matter what level of parts and assembly QC you've got and my HBOD DLX is still very similar and quite tasty, just a bit more mellow. The BPB side, however, was the revelation to me! I've never really used nor cared about boosters much before, with the exception of things that boost certain freqs, like the booster side (Beano Boost) of an Analogman Sunlion, for example, but it is pretty sweet. It really helped make my solos cut through the mix nicely. And, bonus, unlike many other dual function pedals, the BPB side works independently of the HBOD side. You don't have to have the HBOD side on to engage the BPB side, so you can use to to boost anything without having the HBOD in your mix. Probably a lot of you already knew this and it, of course, makes good sense and makes the pedal way more versatile, but I had never really thought about it before. The PGC DLX (in Sustain mode)>FF DLX (RD II)(in the fuzziest mode)>HBOD DLX (only the BPB mode)>Toneczar Echoczar/Angelbaby stack was just freakin' killin' me!
SteveA wrote:i'd certainly be interested