Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:32 pm
by justonwo
I'll admit it. I have one on the way.
Harri said the overdrive is just a bit more aggressive on the HB side, and the boost is a BPB. Really looking forward to it.

Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:16 am
by Realfi
Dunno how I missed this...

Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:30 am
by DocRock
Same here, never even heard a peep about it.

Thu Mar 20, 2008 12:44 pm
by Donner
well there wasnt anything 'official' I think there was a TGP thread (the SWF thread ?) and someone was asking about the BBOD deluxe and HB deluxe and I mentioned they were not Customshoppers or R and D but 'Special Orders' (just a HB and BPB) that would go thru Harri/CustomSounds only and apparantly Harri got a few inquiries and it went from there

- I think this is just a limited run of 10 .... anyway sorry if you missed it,by the time it was agreed to it was presold out so no point in starting a riot...... I didnt have anything to do with it

Re: Honey Bee Dlx

Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:49 pm
by BJF
Actually Harri made me an offer I could not refuse, also considereing a temporary shortage of the K-430 boxes I normally use, and that to make a limited run of Honey Bee De luxes as there had been several inquiries if such a thing could be made, so I used the time created by the shortage to make a little special thing.
The HB DLX has a little more distortion on tap and that is setable via an internal trimmer and it comes set at lowest position as that is the closest to a standard HB and it has a slightly different Nature control as per what research has told and it has an independent boost circuit the same as used in Baby Pink Booster and so the HB DLX is buffered at all times.
I do listen and am most thankful for all eloquent feedback that I have gotten.
Right I have a nut to crack with the Sparkling Yellow versus Orange among a few other things.
Anyway about the HB dlx I have listened to what people have had to say and what they'd wish for and it has boiled down to
More gain, more treble, more output and that was actually given in the first HB DLX ever made and ordered by Kjell of Tolpatti.
Now please talk to Harri for further information
The time allowed for 10 units to be made but primary orders exceeded that from what I understand or rather am told so I'll make 10 more of those when next gap opens and we shall see, while at the moment things have cleared and it's regular orders as usual and that many thanks to the supportive crew at one of my suppliers of parts.
There are more fun research projects coming something I also used the gap to create.
Fun is being had at work,making more of all kinds of models requested.
Gentlemen have fun

Thu Mar 20, 2008 5:07 pm
by DocRock
Thanks for the reply, Bjorn!
This sounds like another most excellent pedal, though it does not sound like something I'd use myself.
But that's the great thing about your product range (MP included). Something for just about everybody.
Have fun

Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:00 pm
by EyeFly
Donner wrote:alright who has a cat in a bag - thats cruel....

If I recall, Warmth has one in the dryer!!

Thu Mar 20, 2008 11:10 pm
by Donner
EyeFly wrote:Donner wrote:alright who has a cat in a bag - thats cruel....

If I recall, Warmth has one in the dryer!!
uhy we willl name her fluffy

Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:04 pm
by Barnaby, Hardly
So does the boost come after the Honey Bee? Just to clarify. I know that's how it looks from the photo.
Just wondering cos I love hitting the Honey Bee with a boost in front of it... But the idea of having both in one pedal is sweet.