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They're Like Lifesavers - My Budding BJFE Collection

Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:27 am
by justonwo

Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:31 am
by Jagattack
Very nice! But also very painful for me to look at (envy).
Do you have a favourite out of those 5? What do you think of the DRD?

Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:43 pm
by justonwo
A favorite: that's hard to say. Since I'm not usually a slightly overdriven kind of guy, I can probably rule out the HBOD in that category. And since the Model R can be so picky and dark, probably not that one either.
Among the remaining three, I'm not sure I could say one's necessarily better than another. I absolutely love the wild fuzz in the CAF. It's probably my favorite of all my fuzzes. But I make more use of overdrive/distortion than fuzz as a general rule. So that leaves the EGDM and DRD. Both sound great in the right application. The EGDM is probably more grind than distortion, which I really like for rhythm. The DRD excels at leads or heavier distortion. Hard to go wrong with the CAF, DRD, or EGDM in my opinion.

Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:08 am
by Donner
oh try running the R into the HB if you havent.....

Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:04 am
by justonwo
Good advice. Thanks Donner. I'll check it out.

Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:56 am
by murkat
Donner wrote:oh try running the R into the HB if you havent.....
my favorite stacking into my marshall

Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:02 am
by I am Incinerator
I love running anything into the HB...I guess that's why it's placed after all of my drives and boosts...only the SBEQ is after it right now...need more cables to put my delay and trem in the mix

Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:52 am
by majorledhead
I've been shopping at the same candy store, and I still haven't tried all the flavors.

Fri Mar 14, 2008 11:37 am
by TheWarmth
Didn't I see that photo posted on TGP the other day? Did you decide which two you were going to let go?

Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:30 pm
by majorledhead
Same Picture, same decision.........none yet. I'll be doing some intensive testing over the weekend. The three that I wonder about keeping are the MPLGW, BBOD, and PPF. No real complains about any of those three and I realize that the BBOD and PPF are collectable, BUT, I'm liking the CAF more than the PPF, the BBOD I have has no 9 volt tap and I can get close enough with the HBOD,BBOD and SBEQ to do without the LGW. I don't want an obnoxiously large board and still need to add a Wah, Tuner, and some type of swirl pedal to get a little modulation for funky clean or trower type tones. SO, for now, and maybe forever, I'm keeping them all.