Anybody know when more MP pedals are coming out?

Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:41 am
by Eskimo_Joe
What types of pedals?

Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:55 am
by BJF
I can say that in total there would be about 8 models this year.
At the moment LGW and Deep Blue Delay are in production and so is the Mighty Red Distortion and the first units tested fine.
Next model to go is the Mellow Yellow Tremolo but we are looking at at least a month before that's released and then there are four more circuits being tested.
The Mighty Red Distortion is maybe the most easy play distortion I have yet designed.
Mellow Yellow Tremolo- well while not the same circuit it is designed to work and sound somewhat like the Saffron Yellow Tremolo.
The one thing I can't tell is when things roll
Have fun

Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:09 am
by Gil
Any MP Pale Green Compressors?