Donner wrote:hmmm could raffle the Tourbox slots and then keep a list for actual purchase ......... that might work.....
Yeah we might have to try essay and begging too just for fun ; ]
Ive also started this topic on http://www.TonePost.com if you want to trasfer your opinions there too ...........thanks
I think having a Tourbox raffle may be the best way to go to get the most unbiased feedback from the R&D side of the house. Waiting for a long period and/or paying a great deal of money for something can certainly bias the user.
I don't know how others are who go on wait lists but I generally try to plan my board out for a year or so ahead. I look at the available items, the music I play, my current set up, and sometimes the curiosity factor does kick in but, by and large, I have a good idea what I want my board to sound like a year from now. Once I go on a wait list, I more or less just stop looking for alternatives.
So, let's have at it; drawings, essays, bar fights, or whatever but for God's sake, no begging!! I'm afraid EJ has figured out my diabolical scheme. I'm actually occy, lefte, cabo, doc, mopfloyd, realfi, zion, analoghog, william h and a couple other sobriquets my haggard mind can't even recall right now. Damn, I thought I was gonna clean up!! Now I'm just going to have to go to my alternate plan of just taking over the free world and keeping all cool stuff for myself!!
On a lighter note, this Pedal Swap we are doing right now is working out great and just let me say, I should not have participated as I certainly didn't plan on the sounds I'm hearing and the board space its going to require !!