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Sat Mar 08, 2008 11:18 pm
by murkat
DocRock wrote:Hey fugot,
That Montgomery Flanger ... that's the clone of the old AD/A, right?
I've been curious about that one. How do you like it?

I have one. and an original ada as well

Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:18 am
by DocRock
murkat wrote:DocRock wrote:Hey fugot,
That Montgomery Flanger ... that's the clone of the old AD/A, right?
I've been curious about that one. How do you like it?

I have one. and an original ada as well

How do you like them? I've never played through either. I love the idea of the flanger sound, but I've never actually played one that I liked or felt would sound useful.
This is why I'm hoping BJ will design one at some point.

Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:04 am
by murkat
I'll start a thread so this thread won't get off track of its original path of disscussion

Mon Mar 10, 2008 1:01 pm
by I am Incinerator
I know BJ has a lot of dirt pedals out which with saking recipes can covere a lot of ground through some great pedal friendly/base amps.
But some flavors that I'd like to see are a Blonde fender (6g6-b) inspired pedal...and a Trainwreck inspired pedal...(maybe)
I can't think of any modulation seems like they're covered (for me atleast) trem/vibrato/phaser/ delay...maybe a chorus could be made?

Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:29 pm
by justonwo
What about a BJFE digital multi-effects unit with 1700 pre-set sound effects. A few that I would really like to see:
- Seagulls at the beach tone
- Bullfrog croaking tone
- Sneezing tone
- Coughing (as close to Ferris Bueller tone as possible)
- Whales singing tone
You could call it the Arctic White All Box.
Actually, now that I think about it, I'd be happy with a production version of the Model H.

Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:05 am
by Jagattack
I would be keen on a BJF chorus, what about the Crimson Wave Chorus? It could be the warmest chorus ever created!
If this is a really rubbish idea, or not possible then please feel free to let me know.

Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:03 pm
by DocRock
There are no rubbish ideas around here. We're all friends with a common interest.
I think a BJF-designed chorus would be killer!
(Though I'd personally like to see a flanger as well.)

Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:04 pm
by Craise
If I could have anything I would vote for a
BJF Dynamic Wah Wah!
Switchable Picture Wah or Modern Wah crossed with the dynamics of the Honey Bee...
Also a flanger and chorus would be cool to round out the line up...
Giddy Up!

Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:29 am
by horsehead75
I?d like to get my hands on BJ?s Woodoo Funk Machine!
(=Dynamic Wah Wah..)
Craise wrote:If I could have anything I would vote for a
BJF Dynamic Wah Wah!
Switchable Picture Wah or Modern Wah crossed with the dynamics of the Honey Bee...
Also a flanger and chorus would be cool to round out the line up...
Giddy Up!

Re: Suggestions for the next BJF Pedal ??

Sat Apr 05, 2008 5:27 pm
by whiteelephant
I am new around here, so I don't know what this counts for, but I have to piggy-back on the idea of a bjfe flanger, that or (after hearing how well they work together in Donner's clips) a HB & SWF combo pedal.