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Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:06 pm
by I am Incinerator
I know there is the MP trem coming out, but I'd like to see a trem with either tap temp or a two speed/depth option.
maybe a modulated delay too.
as far as OD/fuzz/boost/etc I think with what's out there and what's possible for combos...I don't think I'd have trouble finding any sound...looking foward to my HB and EGDM everyday

the RRB is getting lonely

Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:20 pm
by Robapov
Donner wrote:All excellent suggestions.....
HB Fuzz ~~ kind of Folk Fuzz into SBEQ ??
Customshop whackjob Fuzz mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (Homer thinking of beer flavored donuts and donut flavored beer)
thats exactly what I was thinking, even though I have never heard the folk fuzz in person...some pedal that will be the ultimate tone shaper in conjunction with the BJF fuzzes already availble...and it certainly can be wild if a feature like the Nature knob is involved, or possibly somethng like the body knob on the LGW

Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:34 pm
by racktifier
cabo wrote:How about a BJF reverb pedal??

+1. Is it very difficult to build one? There are many boutique tubescreamers and marshalls-in-a-box. But for reverbs it seems that the mainsteam producers dominate the market (EHX, Line6, T-Rex).

Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:51 am
by analoghog
+1 on the Reverb pedal and the Wah....i would love to hear what those would sound like.......OR.....the ultimate tone shaper/ enhancer would be cool too!.....maybe a real powerful clean booster ( like blow your ear drums loud, not just a little boost ), but have seperate control for being able to throw some grit into the mix, to push your favorite BJFE pedals to there max potential.....but i would vote for a Phase pedal....i'm jonesing for a Purple Plum Phaser right now.......

Sun Oct 07, 2007 1:32 pm
by DocRock
analoghog wrote:+1 on the Reverb pedal and the Wah....i would love to hear what those would sound like.......OR.....the ultimate tone shaper/ enhancer would be cool too!.....maybe a real powerful clean booster ( like blow your ear drums loud, not just a little boost ), but have seperate control for being able to throw some grit into the mix, to push your favorite BJFE pedals to there max potential.....but i would vote for a Phase pedal....i'm jonesing for a Purple Plum Phaser right now.......
While the Purple Plum Phaser is its own animal, I have no doubt that if you're jonesing for a BJF Phaser, you'll need look no further than the soon-to-be-released Mad Professor Tiny Orange Phaser.
Have fun

Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:02 pm
by BJF
Thank you many good suggestions I'll write a little longer reply on some of them.
Today though I got in the mail two MP pedals for examination and there are a few more models in the works first for MP pedals.
The ones I got today are Tiny Orange Phaser and Sky Blue OD and both passed as of today and turned out as intended.
Tiny Orange Phaser is sort of mix between Plum Phaser and Folk Phaser having sounds from both while leaning more towards Folk Phaser there but the same controls as Plum.
If I ever make another BJF phaser it'd have to do something that the Tiny one doesn't do, hm.......
Sky Blue OD behaves also just like my prototype as shown at the Gothenburg show last spring.
So these two and Fire Red Fuzz and Melow Yellow Tremolo are now all four in production and hopefully by the end of October some will come out from Factory.
Now even though those four are new a few more models are to be completed shortly so that and production of BJF pedals may keep new BJF models at bay for a while and some of what is mentioned in this thread may be better as MP pedals we shall see.
Anyway thanks and have fun and cheers it's a great day

Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:49 pm
by aarondavis
1. Tap Tempo Deep Blue Delay, the pedal I want most (out of anything actually)
2. This is crazy and probably REALLY expensive, but what about a 3 in one pedal. Such as a Dyna Red, Honey Bee, Candy Apple Fuzz. That would rawk.
3. A high gain Honey Bee, I love the slighly scooped mids and bass of the Honey Bee. Would be great with more gain.

Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:55 am
by duende
Have to say a modulated delay would be killer!
Just take the DBD and throw a sine wave oscillator on the delay time, add a control for width/depth and speed each... and wa la.... killer mod delay.
Hopefully the width/depth would be wide enough so that noise junky's like myself could make some serious sonic rollercoaster rides... say up and down a few octaves at least to be safe!

Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:31 am
by I am Incinerator
a DBD and MGMV in one

Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:40 pm
by thiscalltoarms
would be tasty.