I'd like to see a chorus. I've always liked that effect, but could never get into the "tin can" thing that would happen to the sound. I guess a good BJF take a on a chorus would address that problem. Have the lush effect of the chorus without the side effect of that metallic sound.
He did it quite successfully with the Folk Phaser, in terms of tuning it to guitar as opposed to organ or piano (like most phasers). How many times have you used a phaser at home, thought it sounded great, then took it to a gig and couldn't hear it??? The Folk Phaser addressed this quite successfully, as will the MP version that is to come.
If something similar could be done to improve how a chorus would work with an electric guitar, I'm sure BJ is just the guy to figure out what that would be.
And if or when he does, I want to be the first in line!!!