Info: BJFE Pedal Gallery - Rare Pedals

This is the new home of the Rare Pedals Gallery....
Now you can add your own and tell the story behind it or any other useful info....
This is for any non-standard BJFE pedal to include CustomShoppers, Custom Order Standards or OneOffs and Oddballs.
*** This is just for posting pics and explanations ***

The First BJFE pedal - (a Tremolo-labeld in Swedish) was used as an advertisement in the window of Bjorn Juhls' amplifier service shop and then at the Swedish Guitar and Amp show where Bjorn met Harri Koski of Custom-Sounds who would become the Sole distributor for BJFE pedals

Now you can add your own and tell the story behind it or any other useful info....
This is for any non-standard BJFE pedal to include CustomShoppers, Custom Order Standards or OneOffs and Oddballs.
*** This is just for posting pics and explanations ***

The First BJFE pedal - (a Tremolo-labeld in Swedish) was used as an advertisement in the window of Bjorn Juhls' amplifier service shop and then at the Swedish Guitar and Amp show where Bjorn met Harri Koski of Custom-Sounds who would become the Sole distributor for BJFE pedals