Oh yeah, I got my favourite results at 18v with the fuzz and tone controls wide open. Increased voltage certainly helped to open the pedal up and enhance the differences and advantages it already exhibits over a standard fuzz face type pedal.
Teahead wrote:Oh yeah, I got my favourite results at 18v with the fuzz and tone controls wide open. Increased voltage certainly helped to open the pedal up and enhance the differences and advantages it already exhibits over a standard fuzz face type pedal.
scottcw wrote:Is the SWF Bjorn's take on a Fuzz Face type?
Teahead wrote:First off, I have to say that hearing the crisp and rather delicate crunch of the Snow White Fuzz underfoot I immediately thought it to have a very apt name. Merely a whisper of change in playing touch translates to the gain and the pedal responds in a rather valve like fashion, which is rather unusual for a fuzz. SWF also has this dynamic, thickening quality to it which is something I've never heard from a fuzz and rather reminiscent of the HBOD from memory.
Teahead wrote:Really glad it made it there safely! Not to mention that you're enjoying it so much already. I have to say, I didn't really "get" the SWF, until I put it through the AC30 at stage volumes. You're in for a treat there mate!