Pedal Statistics

Number of BJFE pedals made to date:
BBOD 500*
HB 592
DRD 434
PGC 233
EGD 225
SBEQ 195
PPF 179*
RRB 135
LGW 117**
BPB 116
CAF 120
3 BOD 82***
SYT 39*
LRT 35
* Out of production for now
** Transferred to MP Line
'*** Outof production due to lack of blueberries
Custom, non production, less official models:
Little Green Emphaser 8 units
Folk Fuzz 32 units
BBOD De Luxe 6 units
Coal Booster 2 units
Dyna Blue Distortion 2 unit
Duo (BBOD/DRD) 1 unit
Singleberry BOD 1 unit Custom colour 3BOD
BBOD Super De Luxe 1 unit
Big Purple Fuzz 1 unit
Tricolour (LGWproto) 1 unit
Baby Blonde OD 1unit Custom colour BBOD
Candy Red Distortion 1unit Custom colour DRD
Volt. Controlled Filter 13 units
Pink Apple Fuzz 1 unit Custom colour CAF
Tasty Apple Fuzz 1 unit Custom color CAF
Little Apricot Wonder 1 unit Custom LGW
Little Orange Wonder 1 unit
Candy Orange Wonder 1 unit (custom color LOW)
Cliffhanger 8 units
Model H Sparkling Black 29 units
Model H Seethrough Black 65 units
Snow White Fuzz 22 units
Arctic White Fuzz 6 units
Arctic Light Fuzz 3 units
Purple Humper 6 units
Sparkling Yellow OD
Saffron Yellow OD 6 units
Sparkling Orange OD 1 unit
2SMV 22 units
Honey Bee DLX 28 units
PGC DLX 6 units
Rebel Red Distortion 1 unit
Honey Tea ( custom box HB) 1 unit
Cliffhanger II 9 units
Order and Date Pedals went into Production
BBOD 001216
DRD 010509
BPB 010826
CAF 011028
3BOD 011221
LRT 020122
MGMV 020122
PPF 020309
PGC 021204
HB 021204
SYT 021204
LGW 030108
RRB 030527
EGDM 030930
SBEQ 040906
About 1/2 in the U.S
BBOD 500*
HB 592
DRD 434
PGC 233
EGD 225
SBEQ 195
PPF 179*
RRB 135
LGW 117**
BPB 116
CAF 120
3 BOD 82***
SYT 39*
LRT 35
* Out of production for now
** Transferred to MP Line
'*** Outof production due to lack of blueberries
Custom, non production, less official models:
Little Green Emphaser 8 units
Folk Fuzz 32 units
BBOD De Luxe 6 units
Coal Booster 2 units
Dyna Blue Distortion 2 unit
Duo (BBOD/DRD) 1 unit
Singleberry BOD 1 unit Custom colour 3BOD
BBOD Super De Luxe 1 unit
Big Purple Fuzz 1 unit
Tricolour (LGWproto) 1 unit
Baby Blonde OD 1unit Custom colour BBOD
Candy Red Distortion 1unit Custom colour DRD
Volt. Controlled Filter 13 units
Pink Apple Fuzz 1 unit Custom colour CAF
Tasty Apple Fuzz 1 unit Custom color CAF
Little Apricot Wonder 1 unit Custom LGW
Little Orange Wonder 1 unit
Candy Orange Wonder 1 unit (custom color LOW)
Cliffhanger 8 units
Model H Sparkling Black 29 units
Model H Seethrough Black 65 units
Snow White Fuzz 22 units
Arctic White Fuzz 6 units
Arctic Light Fuzz 3 units
Purple Humper 6 units
Sparkling Yellow OD
Saffron Yellow OD 6 units
Sparkling Orange OD 1 unit
2SMV 22 units
Honey Bee DLX 28 units
PGC DLX 6 units
Rebel Red Distortion 1 unit
Honey Tea ( custom box HB) 1 unit
Cliffhanger II 9 units
Order and Date Pedals went into Production
BBOD 001216
DRD 010509
BPB 010826
CAF 011028
3BOD 011221
LRT 020122
MGMV 020122
PPF 020309
PGC 021204
HB 021204
SYT 021204
LGW 030108
RRB 030527
EGDM 030930
SBEQ 040906
About 1/2 in the U.S