DocRock wrote:I don't know if the cabs are here yet. The $5.5k price is just for the head, though ... I do know that much.
We sell occasional cabs that are made overseas. It has been an arduous process to find a reliable cabinet maker in the US and we still keep looking. The issue is corner piping, which is crucial for MP CS-40's looks. It is done in the old, classic, and costly way, which scares off most of the makers...
Well, we are working on it and I am sure that also the overseas ones will be more available in the future. Once cabinets hit the US, cones will be installed by yours truly in New York...
MP works with any decent cabinet though. Like at the winter NAMM, Josh Smith had a Bob Burt -made hardwood 2*12 cabinet with Eminence Wizards that sounded killer. Then again, I guess everything sounds killer, when Josh plays....
Ruokangas Guitars
Mad Professor Amplification