Was gonna do this next week - but we got our first little winter flakes today and what the heck ........
This is a new fuzz from BJs brain

Its like snow in that it is dynamic and moved by outside forces like the wind and also has a slightly nasty bite .....
sort of like as the Folk is to the PPF
the SWF is to the CAF (Organic/Dynamic/No tricks/simpler controls) but it has its own flavor....
Its the most organic,naturally dynamic fuzz hes done .... and thats all Im gonna say. ( oh and LED and regular AC tap )
Winning name will get to hear it for themsleves first ( Im not doing any vids/clips yet )
Post here to register - Winner gets to buy it for $444
Drawing ~~~ FRIDAY EVENING ~~~
Wailin in a Winter Wonderlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand