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Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:51 pm
by DocRock
cabo wrote:
Lovepedal it is, hope thats not sacrelig here

No, not sacrilege at all! This may be a "BJF Forum," but all fun topics or mention of other fun pedals are welcome and encouraged! (Especially since this thread is about "other" non-BJF pedals that also work well in people's set-ups.)

Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:03 pm
by jb1911
Cot50 > HBOD = Heavenly noise!

Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:25 am
by waveydb
Seems it's been mentioned elsewhere by others- but Eternity->HoneyBee is fun.
Tonight, I tried:
It was some of the best tone I've ever had.
Many possible combinations/gain stages available in this stack.
With a Gibson ES-330 and a Boogie, I had touch sensitive controllable FEEDBACK at very low volume levels- some holy grail tone for me!

Tue Aug 07, 2007 12:15 pm
by DocRock
Excellent, waveydb! That seems like it could be a very useable & workable stack.
Welcome to the forum, by the way!

Tue Aug 07, 2007 1:36 pm
by waveydb
Thanks Doc- I'm much obliged and mighty glad to be here!

Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:19 pm
by salkin red
okay, so after spending two weeks thinking if i'm really willing to spend quite so much money on a pedal that has just one knob i'm now the proud owner of a red rooster booster and i instantly found a great combination with the rest of my pedals:
Voodoo Lab Sparkle Drive > RRB > ZVex Super Duper
where the Voodoo Lab (set to very low gain) sort of loosens up the RRB and the Super Duper adds some very Hiwattish spank to the picture.
(I'm using a Orange Tiny Terror Amp with a London City 4x12 cab, playing a Travis Bean TB1000 most of the time, so that's a VERY high output guitar, maybe that's why I like adding the Sparkle Drive as some kind of softener)
Great Stack

Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:36 am
by amphead777
I have a new stack that's awesome. The ProAnalog Dual Drive into
the PPF. The gain is about 11 o'clock on the PPF, and higher on the DD. If you have these two pedals, you won't believe the sound. Check it out quickly.

Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:01 pm
by DocRock
I could see that. I've played both pedals, just not together. But I could see how nicely that could come together.