This is a tough call. I honestly believe that, above all else, people should be allowed to navigate with their own moral compass. Each particular reading of which is of course highly influenced by the pedal owner's current financial climate. Should he or she be encountering rough seas, the moral compass might give a different reading to the one it would give during calmer weather.
Having been married very recently and currently setting to move home, I know how easy it can be to look at those colourful little boxes and have them turn, cartoon style, into Dollar $igns right before your eyes! You justify for the umpteenth time between what you need and what you want, and do whatever you have to do.
I do agree very strongly with keeping the Customshop stuff in the family, however, how's that old saying go again? You can choose your friends, but ...

I feel personally responsible for the (SYOD) Little Purple OD on ebay right now. As it happens I had returned a previous Customshop VCF to Bjorn, realising it wouldn't get the use it genuinely deserved in my hands. He sent the LPOD as a replacement and I enjoyed it, for quite a while.
After said while, it fell from my board as I went back to an Airbrake attenuator and using much more fuzz. I traded it, within the family with no cash adjustments, for a Candy Apple Fuzz that makes me much more happy than the LPOD ever could have. What happened to it after that, relatively speaking, was out of my hands, but that didn't stop me feeling guilty to see it attracting the inflated asking price it continues to command.
Bjorn and I have spoken about this and I feel that he understands my regret and is ultimately happy to know that the CAF at least found a grateful and deserving home. Nonetheless, the LPOD is still out there with that faint, winking tea cup on the bottom to remind me of the lesson learned. Like Bjorn, I just want to see it find a good home.
You folks do whatever you have to do, but be aware that you are likely to be judged on these actions. These judgements are in turn blended with existing perceptions based on previous encounters, so if you feel good enough about your contributions and patronage to BJFE then that's all that really matters I suppose.
Sorry for the long-winded post.