What it is ? or Frequently Axed Questions

As I find myself answering the same questions alot more often recently maybe this will help to give new folks an idea of some things that may not be immiediatly obvious....
BJFE is Bjorn Juhl Forstarker Elektronik
(which is Swedish for Bjorn Juhl Amplifier Electronics -
'BJ' is Bjorn Juhl and he is a Swedish Swede living in Sweden
BJFE and the BJFE Customshop are two separate entities whos distribution networks do not cross.
BJFE pedals are all handmade by BJ and his wife Eva paints the lettering and inside pictures and they are distributed by Harri Koski and his dealer network... (A Honey Bee in orange with your goldfishes name on it is still a Honey Bee and would be a 'special order' orderd thru Harris dealers - not the CustomShop)
Mad Professor products are DESIGNED by BJ but manufactured and distributed by Harri Koski (Custom Sounds).
The Customshop pedals are all handmade by BJ, Eva does the lettering and illustrations and I paint or shine most of the boxes (Donnerbox) and find homes for the pedals and gather feedback from thier owners
CS pedals are either Research and Development pedals like the Model H or are small batch/limited edition/special use pedals (2 stomp Minivibes, VCFs,Folk Phasers) .....
For R and D pedals the first batch mostly goes to people Ive dealt with before who have most of the other pedals and who can compare them in the context of the rest of the line - the second batches of these offereings will go thru 'drawings' on this site, so we can get a more random second opinion but hopefully from people who will take the time to run thru there rigs in every way possible and write up the results... the point of the Research is to find any weak spots or needed upgrades BEFORE alot are made and to judge the level of interest for future batches.....
Also the CS is fun. BJ could easily just sit and make Honey Bees non stop and probably never catch up - but he is a very creative person as well and new model development keeps things interesting between batches of the standards....
I am not an employee of BJFE - I just do what I can to free up time for BJ - answer questions, do Customshop R and D, put up an info website/forum etc... we all want more BJFE pedals and even BJ cant type and solder at the same time
So whatever we can figure out on our own by helping each other is productive.
So there are a number of interesting things coming this winter and the best way to get involved is check in here ....
On the drawings I will open them on Mondays and draw on fridays giving the selectees the weekend to pay and then ship them on Mondays. BJ has a heavy MP design commitment that took most of the extra RnD time recently but much of that is done so things should liven up around here....
BJFE is Bjorn Juhl Forstarker Elektronik
(which is Swedish for Bjorn Juhl Amplifier Electronics -
'BJ' is Bjorn Juhl and he is a Swedish Swede living in Sweden

BJFE and the BJFE Customshop are two separate entities whos distribution networks do not cross.
BJFE pedals are all handmade by BJ and his wife Eva paints the lettering and inside pictures and they are distributed by Harri Koski and his dealer network... (A Honey Bee in orange with your goldfishes name on it is still a Honey Bee and would be a 'special order' orderd thru Harris dealers - not the CustomShop)
Mad Professor products are DESIGNED by BJ but manufactured and distributed by Harri Koski (Custom Sounds).
The Customshop pedals are all handmade by BJ, Eva does the lettering and illustrations and I paint or shine most of the boxes (Donnerbox) and find homes for the pedals and gather feedback from thier owners

For R and D pedals the first batch mostly goes to people Ive dealt with before who have most of the other pedals and who can compare them in the context of the rest of the line - the second batches of these offereings will go thru 'drawings' on this site, so we can get a more random second opinion but hopefully from people who will take the time to run thru there rigs in every way possible and write up the results... the point of the Research is to find any weak spots or needed upgrades BEFORE alot are made and to judge the level of interest for future batches.....
Also the CS is fun. BJ could easily just sit and make Honey Bees non stop and probably never catch up - but he is a very creative person as well and new model development keeps things interesting between batches of the standards....
I am not an employee of BJFE - I just do what I can to free up time for BJ - answer questions, do Customshop R and D, put up an info website/forum etc... we all want more BJFE pedals and even BJ cant type and solder at the same time

So whatever we can figure out on our own by helping each other is productive.
So there are a number of interesting things coming this winter and the best way to get involved is check in here ....
On the drawings I will open them on Mondays and draw on fridays giving the selectees the weekend to pay and then ship them on Mondays. BJ has a heavy MP design commitment that took most of the extra RnD time recently but much of that is done so things should liven up around here....