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Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:19 am
by I am Incinerator
Hmm, I was thinking about getting a reeves custom 30 there for a liitle bit, but I'm afraid it might be too stiff and responsive for my style of playing. Though, I'd like to have a little more oomph and focus than what my Tophat Club Royale provides for the huge rock tones. Would the H be a good alternative?
It wouldn't be for alittle while. my saved/saving funds are kind of "taken" at the moment.

Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:31 am
by JKoeth
It's definitely an option Sean!

Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:03 pm
by I am Incinerator
right on, by rock I don't mean squishy scooped metal tones. I mean the clear sparkly grindy(not quite distortion, kind of the On the verge of dirty tones on a megaton of steroids) in your face tones...the sparkle part could come from some delay. The stack I have now gets big (RRB>EGDM>HB), but not the right kind. I too leave my SBEQ on at all times...and sometimes I leave on the RRB.
I was caught between the SYOD and the H for this application...I wish I could put the sounds to songs already out there...but I can't think of any right now that have it...I can only describe it as "epic" you strum a full E major chord and you hear all the notes ring out and the harmonics swirl around

Not much of a describer

Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:13 pm
by JKoeth
The SY and the H are the most in your face BJF's I've heard yet. The SY focuses on the mids and highs and attenuates the bass a bit to my ear while the H is even and just as punchy.
Are you in on the raffle for the SY?

Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:38 pm
by I am Incinerator
Not in the raffle, but I was tempted.
I don't want any loss of bass. If the SYOD attenuates the bass, then it might be not what I want at this time.
If the H has a more even spectrum and also has the punch, it may be what I'm looking for. It seems that my middle end drives are covered with the HB(lower mids) and EGD(upper end...mid mids?).
I still need time to play around with what I have.
About Model H

Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:59 am
by BJF
A note on the Model H,
This model was suggest and described in two parts: the shimmering clean, and the wall of fuzz by Jamie and Craise respectfully.
Thank you, great fun and a challange.
At first this suggested two seperate circuits and also as I listened to the recorded material I'd think to myself I'd use a fuzz to slam the input of a Hiwatt and yes I have done that years ago.....
I asked Patrick 'Wall of Doom' who had the records and knew the material and had the amps, the cabinetts and an appropriate SG special with P-90's to try this for me and tell.
He said something like this: Sure you just plug in a crank it, like this...........and then you just back off on the volumecontrol on guitar like two...........and there it is..............
Meanwhile all squirrels had left the estate from the vibrations of the opening chord........
Right, so it had to go in one
Have fun

Fri Dec 07, 2007 9:44 am
by Teahead
How does the Model H respond when cleaning up from the guitar's volume? Does it clean up like a fuzz would? With that almost brittle, shimmering clean?

Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:38 am
by JKoeth
Yes Tea, I would say that it does. I've got more playing to do with it and I'll report on that further. This one cleans up the best of the BJFs I've tried! I love that feature.
Townshend, for example cranked his Hiwatt like Bjorn said above and used his volume knob to control his distortion level. Old school! He only used his Fuzz for leads.

Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:26 pm
by BJF
Well if that's all it took Patrick, I thought of giving it a try in pedalform
Yes Townsend would use a fuzz for leads and so would I have I not learnt this about the squirels and maybe anything with legs or wings.....
Have fun

Fri Dec 07, 2007 2:35 pm
by JKoeth
Bjorn, you are friggin' hilarious!