overlooked amps

Afternoon all,
As you can probably read into my posts I've been a BJF fan from pretty early on and have amassed a few great pedals over the years.
Now as we know,certain amps favour certain BJF's but lets face it ,with a bit of twiddling around even on a "mismatch" you will find something that you can use if you were in a pinch.
Which brings me to the point of the post....
I just went on a bit of a dig into the Mopfloyd vaults this week and came up gasping for air armed with an Orange AD15 12 combo and a very stinky old Cheese Source.
Source aside, The Orange took ALL my BJF pedals without a shudder.
Almost like the amp was made with the Prof' himself in mind.
If anyone is looking for a smallish combo to introduce to their favorite pedalboard see if you can hunt one down.
I think they discontinued them a couple of years ago,but I bet with a little digging you could easily turn one up.
No one seeme to mention these little Oranges much,so fellas have you ever had an amp that fit so well with every pedal you have? or does anyone even play one of these little juice makers?
lets talk combos....
Digging back in...
As you can probably read into my posts I've been a BJF fan from pretty early on and have amassed a few great pedals over the years.
Now as we know,certain amps favour certain BJF's but lets face it ,with a bit of twiddling around even on a "mismatch" you will find something that you can use if you were in a pinch.
Which brings me to the point of the post....
I just went on a bit of a dig into the Mopfloyd vaults this week and came up gasping for air armed with an Orange AD15 12 combo and a very stinky old Cheese Source.
Source aside, The Orange took ALL my BJF pedals without a shudder.
Almost like the amp was made with the Prof' himself in mind.
If anyone is looking for a smallish combo to introduce to their favorite pedalboard see if you can hunt one down.
I think they discontinued them a couple of years ago,but I bet with a little digging you could easily turn one up.
No one seeme to mention these little Oranges much,so fellas have you ever had an amp that fit so well with every pedal you have? or does anyone even play one of these little juice makers?
lets talk combos....
Digging back in...