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Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:58 am
by DocRock
Update, I'll definitely be there, gig rig in tow.
Looking forward to meeting some folks!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:23 pm
by Donner
that should be big fun you guys !!! it doesnt take many people to eat up a few hours rig riding.... I hope someone has a camera or video ?!?!?!
And yes one of the reasons for t he MP line in the first place was so many actual stores could stock them for people to walk in and play/purchase so it will be good to hear what the new guys think of them ....... enjoy !!!

Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:24 am
by analoghog
one more day guys!!...i am bringing a camera and will post some photos.... there might be some pedal swapping going on, some bring some pedals you might want to trade or sell AND some just to share.......can't wait!!

Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:42 pm
by analoghog

Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:20 pm
by DocRock
Good times for sure. Nice meeting everybody and getting a chance to check out some stuff. Thanks again to analoghog and to my bud Ronnie for making this thing happen!!!

Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:08 am
by Donner
What no captions !!!
and is that a Gretsch Super Chet I see ????

Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:50 am
by TheWarmth
Good eye, Donner. That is my Gretsch Atkins Super Axe!
Here are my comments on the pedals:
So, today was the MMPS in Wood Dale, Illinois. Thanks so much to those of you who organized it. I really enjoyed it. We were able to try out the following new MP pedals:
Tremolo (can't recall the exact name of this one)
Sky Blue OD
Fire Red Fuzz
I didn't get a chance to fool with the FRF too much, so I'm not going to comment on that. I know that Doc Rock was giving it a good go, though, so hopefully he will chime in.
My favorite by far as the tremolo. It sounded fantastically organic and the controls were simple and perfect (volume, depth, speed). I found it really cut through when placed after a fuzz or od and I just loved the tone. Nicely done, Bjorn!
The SBOD was really nice, too. I have a hard time judging overdrives unless I have them plugged into my own rig, but this one was nice and tweakable with four knobs, as opposed to BJF/MP's usual three. The labeling was somewhat cryptic and I never got around to asking for details, so I can't expand on that. I will say that this seemed like a very usable and pleasing od. I liked it a lot more than the MP LGW ... just a nicer tone to my ears.
Hope that helps a bit. I'm looking forward to the release of these pedals.

Sat Dec 01, 2007 10:35 pm
by analoghog
believe it or not, this is the first chance for me to sit down and write a review after the here we go..
i play a strat thru a Marshall 1962 offset re-issue head( KT66 tubes ) into a late 70's blackback Celestion 30H's bottom...these are my thoughts on the new MP line...
first the Mellow Yellow Tremolo...Wow!..that pretty much sums it up...i'm not a trem guy, but this sounds frick'n killer...that was pretty much the sentiment of everybody who tried it at our shootout party too...smooth, organic sounding waves...lots of control over the trem with the 3 almost gets Vibe-ish at times...if your even remotely thinking of getting a Tremolo, you will Love this pedal!...great job Bjorn!
next the Fire Red Fuzz....this one lies between the CAF and the PPF....not as heavy and mean as the CAF, and not as light as the PPF...the FRF is in the middle somewhere...the term i like to use is Woolly, or Thick comes to is very musical fuzz, my only concern is i found it lacking some mids...other than that, it was a great sounding addition to the BJ fuzz family....
Finally the Sky Blue Overdrive....Bjorn, this is the Jewel in the BJFE/MP crown...OH! my goodness....this one will propel BJ to the masses...simpily put, it is the Best OD!...we compared the SBOD to everything we had in the store and it beat everything!...even with the gain cranked, it remained clear and rang like a bell...sell what you must, but everybody needs to get this OD! was the runaway winner at the shootout...
thanks to everybody who came out...i had a blast....i would love to do it again...Ron said we could use his store again, so who knows...
best of luck to you all....and go buy a SBOD!

Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:28 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
analoghog wrote:believe it or not, this is the first chance for me to sit down and write a review after the here we go..
i play a strat thru a Marshall 1962 offset re-issue head( KT66 tubes ) into a late 70's blackback Celestion 30H's bottom...these are my thoughts on the new MP line...
first the Mellow Yellow Tremolo...Wow!..that pretty much sums it up...i'm not a trem guy, but this sounds frick'n killer...that was pretty much the sentiment of everybody who tried it at our shootout party too...smooth, organic sounding waves...lots of control over the trem with the 3 almost gets Vibe-ish at times...if your even remotely thinking of getting a Tremolo, you will Love this pedal!...great job Bjorn!
next the Fire Red Fuzz....this one lies between the CAF and the PPF....not as heavy and mean as the CAF, and not as light as the PPF...the FRF is in the middle somewhere...the term i like to use is Woolly, or Thick comes to is very musical fuzz, my only concern is i found it lacking some mids...other than that, it was a great sounding addition to the BJ fuzz family....
Finally the Sky Blue Overdrive....Bjorn, this is the Jewel in the BJFE/MP crown...OH! my goodness....this one will propel BJ to the masses...simpily put, it is the Best OD!...we compared the SBOD to everything we had in the store and it beat everything!...even with the gain cranked, it remained clear and rang like a bell...sell what you must, but everybody needs to get this OD! was the runaway winner at the shootout...
thanks to everybody who came out...i had a blast....i would love to do it again...Ron said we could use his store again, so who knows...
best of luck to you all....and go buy a SBOD!
Sounds awesome! Can't wait to try all these pedals. If you guys do another one, I might be able to drive up depending on the timing. This time I was traveling for Thanksgiving. Anyway, cool stuff!

Sat Dec 01, 2007 11:48 pm
by cabo
so who is who in the pics??