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Who likes the Old Stuff ?

Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:06 pm
by analoghog
all right, STEP RIGHT UP !!!... i want to hear from you all....who like the older pedals????...the Vintage ones....a nice old Fuzz Face, Tube screamer,Tone Bender, Big Muff.....anybody still using them???....collecting them????.....or are you just playing the newer stuff????....i'm sure alot of you out there, your first pedal(s) had to be a older/vintage one....which one was it???....i want to see if there is any analog love still out there !!!!!!!!

Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:41 pm
by Donner
mmmm I try and avoid battery use when possible so I dont use that many 'vintage' units...... but my favorite oldie that I still play is an old Univox Square Wave Fuzz.
I also sort of collected many Ibanez L and 10 series pedals and they still sound just fine - Ibanez did the best Tube Screamer Mods themselves

Thu Oct 18, 2007 8:14 am
by cabo
I really like the Mutrons, III , Biphase, and Octave Divider. I only have the octave divider left,,mainly due to size as they were hard to beat in sound and build quality. had some other interesting Maestro units but never really got into collecting. I did like the old Maestro Fuzztone.
Most vintge stuff I really liked pretty much got replaced with clone of it.
When it came down to the same circuit, but smaller, more reliable, easier to service, upgraded parts,,,,,I would most always trade the vintage in for new. Alot of times less expensive as well. still mostly an analog being

Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:09 pm
by DocRock
The only pieces on my board that have any digital components are my MP DBD & my X2 Wireless. I'm very much an analog guy myself.
But no, I don't have any of the old stuff. I didn't start playing guitar until 1988, and by the time I even became remotely interested in pedals, it was already long after the "vintage craze" had since taken hold....many of the most regarded vintage pieces would be untouchable for me. And, even for the ones that would be touchable, I wouldn't know where to look. Doesn't matter anyway, as my BJF stuff has me where I want to be.
Maybe it's a generational thing, but I just didn't grow up playing anything other than the readily-available Guitar Center offerings by Boss, DOD, Ibanez, Dunlop, etc. that were so popular in the late 80's and into the 90's. As for many of the more famous vintage pedals, I'd never heard of them until after a bunch of people said that they should be worth a lot of money.
Have fun

Fri Oct 19, 2007 4:41 pm
by Rollo Timbre
I tend to prefer a mix of old and new on the board. I find that sometimes the oldies provide the perfect color and personality. Current oldies on board are a Rat, Boss DF-2, and an original Vox Tonebender.

Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:39 am
by analoghog
i have to agree with Rollo Timbre, a mix of the old and new is a good thing....
....maybe my question was slanted to the really old vintage pedals with my examples...but vintage is 20-25 years old, isn't it ?....i started playing in the 80's as well; and i cut my teeth on Boss pedals too; from Guitar Center on milwaukee avenue( gone now)in chicago...i have an old, late 70's silver screw DS-1 that just kills...and several older late 70's-early 80's SD-1's ( with different chips ) that sound great as absolute favorites are the Ibanez Overdrives ( 70's & 80's )...any and all sound Excellent!!..even the Japan only distributed Maxon ( Ibanez ) DS-1 and DS-2 are awesome sounding...DS= Distortion&Sustain.....all these above, vintage late 70's and 80's are $100-$200 now...all have 9v jacks and LED's, and are built to original Pro-co Rat pedals can still be had for $200-$ i understand that Boss isn't boutique, and i've had my share of clones, but i think for the price,durablity, and sound, the above mentioned is a good deal and very usable....and all very tweakable with a good EQ pedal...nobody still using these?....are these all passe'?....just curious
Me personally...for the old, old stuff, nothing better than a good old Fuzz Face, Ibanez 808 Tube Sceamer, Univox Super Fuzz ( early Gray Box )/ Gray Vox tonebender, a strat or les paul, a 50w marshall and a 4x12...
as for today's pedals...i like some Lovepedal stuff, i like the landgraff stuff, but i love the BJFE stuff !!!...Bjorn,if you read this, you make the best pedals in the market place!.....

Sun Oct 21, 2007 6:24 pm
by Donner
Well then My 80s vintage would be the Ibanez Fat Cat I got in a really bad trade ( Ricky 330 for a Fender Contemporary strat and the FC ) and the KMD Analog Delay I got for free with a box of Ovation Adamas strings - both excellent pedals I used alot ....
My first pedal was a Morley Power Wah Fuzz in about '74 and I keep meaning to rebuy one.....

Sun Oct 21, 2007 7:14 pm
by analoghog
donner, the fat cat and the univox square wave have long been on my want list....after all the years i have never heard either one....i think they might have moved up my list some if you give them the thumbs up....

Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:01 am
by salkin red
I have an old Roland Bee Baa Fuzz nboard that has two of the most amazing fuzz tones AND the greatest treble booster ever in one case. I've been meaning to check out one of the clones - but as long as my one works perfectly I'm not in a rush.