seans wrote:Any update on the V? How is it? Intrigued by this one. Is it like a P1 or more like a G2? Hope you are having fun with those amazing looking deluxes.
Well I haven't had time to sit down and finish the video, but I will say that the Model V sounds very close to the original EHX Triangle Muff I used to have. After all, that was the inspiration for the Model V... though I find the inclusion of a Mid control VERY useful and it's been nice to switch between two preset volumes. From what I understand, the Cornish muffs are based on Gilmour's Ram's head. Though the Ram's and Triangles could sound the same in the day, due to use of the same parts.
I'll get the video up soon, but I'd advise anyone who loves great Muff tones not to sleep on this one. It's world class. Easily one of the most jaw dropping pedals I've ever played. I can't wait for you all to hear this AMWM Dlx., as well. It's so good. Bjorn's hit it out of the park with these.