Hi There,
Let me first say I am friends with Bill and I have also assisted in getting Bill a subcontractor.
To me the Klon has its best merits as a foundation of tone almost like a part of the amp in order to build a better foundation for use of other drive and distortion pedals.
I also think it makes an excellent boost but I think the real merit is the way it exchanges the bass for low mids and that can be vital with some amps and make sound so much more clearer.
I know Bill made the Klon specifically for its distortion capabilities...
However there came a day when Wampler brought out the Tumnus and Archer made their version and catalinbread were going to make their version and I thought well I'll make my version too.
And so I made a unit for my Chinese agent, called Silver Lawn- yes you may rake it

There was a friend of mine at my workshop when I was making that and he really whole heartedly wanted one too after having gotten to play one so I made him one
In the Silver Lawn design I felt I wanted to make a type of distortion I'd like to use and thus it's not a replica and not intended to be.
For what it is worth I think the attention the Klon gets will benefit Bill and I say that though I have together with Bill and others tried to restric clones on a large scale business idea, which has nothing to do with one guy building one for himself and his friends, but really it appeared almost like the Klon would be as copied as the Tube Screamer. I think though that Brian Wampler changed the rules and I don't think the Tumnus will affect sales of original Klons and that has been proven and I wish for Bill that his Klon will be an industrial standard.
At your service