Re: BJFE Klon

Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:30 am
by zhivago
Donner wrote:I remember years ago when I did the Clean Boost Comparison the Klon was the overall winner and with the Klon dirt below 9 oclock (no dirt) the Baby Pink Booster (also buffered) was closest and I actually preferred it a little better as a boost. And I never cared for the dirt on the Centuar unless the amp was cooking pretty good...... so yes I would love a Bjorntaur - tweeking the dirt to be more useful with a cleanish amp .....

I agree Donner, I never found the Klon's dirt to be anything to write home about after 9-10 o clock.
A Bjorntaur would definitely fix that!

Re: BJFE Klon

Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:31 am
by zhivago
ak47 wrote:I meant to post this last week as Björn very kindly discussed all things 'Klon' with me..
I have heard the Silver Lawn and can say it sounds beautiful.. tweaked in my favorite direction!

and yes, that is a very special pedal next to it too..

...and what's the blue one next to it??

Re: BJFE Klon

Thu Apr 27, 2017 6:59 pm
by BJF
zhivago wrote:ak47 wrote:I meant to post this last week as Björn very kindly discussed all things 'Klon' with me..
I have heard the Silver Lawn and can say it sounds beautiful.. tweaked in my favorite direction!

and yes, that is a very special pedal next to it too..

...and what's the blue one next to it??

Oh the blue one is a custom prototype of OC Sonic Blue Twanger and it has a bass control, hence four controls and a footswitch for Rhythm/Lead instead of the miniswitch that is on the Sonic Blue Twanger
At your service
Re: BJFE Klon

Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:28 am
by zhivago
Aha! I see, thanks Bjorn!

Re: BJFE Klon

Sat Apr 29, 2017 4:30 am
by MagnumSSS
I've had Klon clones over the years. Never once felt good about it since Bill runs a small operation and he's still actively making them. But...
I have found that I much prefer the Sea Blue EQ for the application that I would use the Klon circuit for = slight boost, low gain, "strengthener" after all of my drives. Since I use Fender blackface amps, the bass control on the SBEQ allows me to really get that fat "low push" that distorts the bass frequencies and that i just can't get with the Klon. It seriously makes my Princeton Reverb just turn to butter. Note: This low push effect seems less pronounced at 18v so I think I may run the SBEQ at 9v again to decrease headroom and get more of that obvious "Neve" tubey thing going (as Don describes it). Alternating with a Baby Pink Booster in this application would allow me to change my base tone between "low push" and "crisp low" (like switching between John Scofield or Jerry Garcia base tones). Both in one pedal? Whoa! No desire for a Klon type pedal anymore.
With some people thinking that the Baby Pink Booster isounds somewhat similar to the Klon (when set for clean boost), and the SBEQ's ability to do what's described above, I guess I don't see the point in a Klon circuit type of BJFE pedal.
Re: BJFE Klon

Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:13 pm
by fenderbender4
Any info on the Silver Lawn? Does it kind of do the same thing as a Klon like fattening up? How much gain is available? Charge pump to 18V? A pedal I always liked/wanted to is the Bondi Sick As, I liked how dynamic it was with the volume knob but the issue for me is that it had a weird treble frequency thing going on that would always be there and sounded harsh. If I rolled the treble control back it would then just get too dark. People seem to like it but that frequency thing always bothered me.
Re: BJFE Klon

Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:33 am
by BJF
Hi There,
I'll see what I can do about getting someone to write a description.
At your service