Re: >>> Bone Bender Research Project <<<

Tue Nov 21, 2017 4:26 am
by BJF
Hi there,
A main idea of this research project was that it'd become a DIY aswell as commercially available and that is now real. Thanks to Albin Roslund those that would like to build one and that may not be keen on perfboard can now get a kit: and have fun
Re: >>> Bone Bender Research Project <<<

Wed Nov 22, 2017 4:52 pm
by seans
Woah! Got one. My first DIY. What an amazing pedal for a first eh? Hope I don't f**k it up! Exciting. Thanks for the opportunity Bjorn.
Re: >>> Bone Bender Research Project <<<

Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:11 pm
by ak47
Ordered! I have been looking forward to this one!
This is essential reading for everyone btw.. ... -text-.pdf
Re: >>> Bone Bender Research Project <<<

Sun Nov 26, 2017 7:15 pm
by ak47
Here is a clip of a Bone Bender I and II on my board... such a great stack into the Sonic Blue Twanger and Hooker’s Green Bass Machine!!
Re: >>> Bone Bender Research Project <<<

Tue Nov 28, 2017 4:32 pm
by ak47
More fuzzy goodness.. WHO’s on first?
Re: >>> Bone Bender Research Project <<<

Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:41 am
by seans
I successfully completed my bone bender - though I still need to paint it. Planning something groovy so it looks nearly as good as it sounds. I can't stress strongly enough how much fun making this has been and how satisfying it was. I have only soldered pots and pickups before, this was my first pedal. I did look at a couple of YouTube vids on soldering, bought a magnifying glass with crocodile clips attached (essential but cheap) to hold the circuit board and that's it. The instructions and the way the parts are labelled and organised made it all much more simple than I expected. And it sounds incredible! Absolutely blinding! I'm not sure if I have biased it properly yet but i halve tuned it enough to get some fab sounds. Bjorn said that this is a big part of the idea behind this. It gives the musician the ability to tune to his or her taste whilst learning a little bit of the art of crafting these lovely pedals that we are all so mad about. In my opinion the fuzz sounds are as good as they could be and I can't imagine anything bumping it off my board. What more can I say? Thank you Bjorn!
I HIGHLY recommend getting one of these kits while you can. It took less than a day for me, a novice, to put together and it was so much fun. Apparently there are more kits in the works. Very much looking forward to those!
If anyone needs any tips or advice based on my experience building this then please don't hesitate to pm me.
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all have a good'n