Compressor Shootout

Ibanez Roadstar II played using various compressors in front of amp (but not in the following order.. just so you can hear for yourself before seeing them..) What do you like?
BJFe Pine Green Compressor (at 12v)
Boss Compression Sustainer CS-1
Boss Compression Sustainer CS-2
MXR Custom Comp
One Control Lemon Yellow Compressor (Comp Mode)
T-Rex Comp-Nova
Mesa Boogie Mark III Red Stripe using Clean & Rhythm Channels
Zoom Q2HD

BJFe Pine Green Compressor (at 12v)
Boss Compression Sustainer CS-1
Boss Compression Sustainer CS-2
MXR Custom Comp
One Control Lemon Yellow Compressor (Comp Mode)
T-Rex Comp-Nova
Mesa Boogie Mark III Red Stripe using Clean & Rhythm Channels
Zoom Q2HD