Hi there,
Yes indeed Fuzz Faces and especially ones with GE transistors can be tricky to tune and not really be that stable and they can even feel sick if you will but at any rate be temperamental and in that may lie some charm.
Oh yes I really liked an old Gibson FZ1A when I got it working and that also has a control to set various shades and that had some old GE-s in it.
Fuzz faces though I just got the interest when I found that old pcb from 1982 and restored it.
Right Sparkle Face is a fuzz and it’s about a fuzz sound not about transistors per see. I’d say that through the years I have rarely talked about parts I use other than when it has been an education thing.
Sounds and behaviour are what I always start with and work backwards and eventually use what parts can be used to meet the criteria.
Anyway the sound comes first while this came about backwards to me as I had restrictions set to circuit and transistors.
Right so the transistors Sparkle Face is using were once created for switching functions in computors- by no stretch would that promise a great sound
but since this is also to be a diy project some dwelling on parts would seem appropriate.
Indeed there will be a schematic posted- I have no means to do so and for the moment the whole circuit exists in one unit and in my head and a thread with schematic and notes can come in good time and by all means it can be wired on a piece of vektorboard ( perfboard), but first I am very curious to the sounds.
Mainly because I don’t think I am a really Fuzz Face guy while I really and deeply like fuzz guitar. There are things I find important in playability but I am curious also to what others think and that may spur ideas..
Yes this will be done differently or I could just have posted that the Sparkle —— is a fuzz pedal and it sounds like bla and behaves like bla when you bla it.
Yes I can relate to a fuzz pedal being a best friend.
Anyway have fun and stay tuned
” I believe the sound of fuzz guitar has had greater impact on mankind than man walking on the Moon"