New member, old LGW

Hi everybody! This is my first post here, what a great resource for anything BJFe! Thanks for allowing me to join.
When I was on the Musictoyz forum more than 10 years ago I often read about people raving over the BJFe pedals but never saw or heard one irl. However the musicstore I currently work for is a Mad Professor dealer so I got familiar with these pedals over the past years and liked them a lot. So, when I saw a BJFe Little Green Wonder at the Veenendaal Vintage Guitar show last Saturday, sitting on a booth from dealer from Denmark I know quite well, I was interested in getting it. I got really lucky because after some involved trading I was able to get it in return for my days work at the Show and eur 50,- which is an absolute steal. I opened the pedal when I got home and found a thumbs-up drawing, the Elfa K430 box and serial #111.
I love how this pedal works in my setup. My Jazzmasters and '65 Deluxe Amp tend to be quite bright but the LGW somehow kills any obnoxious presence/treble while still sounding clear and defined. I love that it seems to sounds a bit smoother and a bit more compressed than the MP LGW, which is an advantage for me. The touch-sensitivity is really good, especially at the lower gain settings I tend to use. Also, the bridge pickup sounds great now (a sound I rarely if ever used before) and my trusty old ZVEX SuperDuper is great for pushing the LGW into a slightly fuzzy and loud lead tone. So, while I'm very late to this party I am really enjoying this pedal!
When I was on the Musictoyz forum more than 10 years ago I often read about people raving over the BJFe pedals but never saw or heard one irl. However the musicstore I currently work for is a Mad Professor dealer so I got familiar with these pedals over the past years and liked them a lot. So, when I saw a BJFe Little Green Wonder at the Veenendaal Vintage Guitar show last Saturday, sitting on a booth from dealer from Denmark I know quite well, I was interested in getting it. I got really lucky because after some involved trading I was able to get it in return for my days work at the Show and eur 50,- which is an absolute steal. I opened the pedal when I got home and found a thumbs-up drawing, the Elfa K430 box and serial #111.
I love how this pedal works in my setup. My Jazzmasters and '65 Deluxe Amp tend to be quite bright but the LGW somehow kills any obnoxious presence/treble while still sounding clear and defined. I love that it seems to sounds a bit smoother and a bit more compressed than the MP LGW, which is an advantage for me. The touch-sensitivity is really good, especially at the lower gain settings I tend to use. Also, the bridge pickup sounds great now (a sound I rarely if ever used before) and my trusty old ZVEX SuperDuper is great for pushing the LGW into a slightly fuzzy and loud lead tone. So, while I'm very late to this party I am really enjoying this pedal!