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Thu Oct 11, 2007 9:48 pm
by EyeFly
Realfi wrote:Hmmm, I hope it's not too bright for me.
I'm 80-90% Tele bridge pickups and generally use a fair bit of treble roll-off on overdrives (treble at 2 o'clock on my Timmy for example).
I guess in the next few days I'll find out for myself.
There is a lot of "adjustment" range for the treble and the drive. You'll find some very useful and useable sounds and settings!!

Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:06 pm
by analoghog
right now i'm using a 1962 Marshall offset re-issue ( KT-66 tubes ) into a marshall A cab w/ vintage blackback 30's ( 55Hz ).....
SYOD set at V= 10-2 ...T= 9-10 ....D=10-2 first 30 second impression was Ouch!..too much treble...but i quickly found the treble knob and slowly backed it off, alot....i have mine backed off to 9-10pm.....then it was love baby!!... I do love this pedal!! makes my BBOD sing when i push it with the is equally as good pushing your favorite fuzz pedal...i can even dial in and mimic my CJOD when it's all lacks bloom of the CJOD, and has a hair more upper end sting, but it's Damn close to my CJOD which is so smooth...i personally love the low end grit the SYOD gives( it has to be EQ'ed up ), but i wish it could be controled on the unit itself...i wish it had a bass control knob...that would be my one sugguestion...but that low end grind combined with the sweet, sparkly upper end ( great soloing )is what makes it a complete package....this pedal a Home Run IMHO... sounds great alone, and stacks well, pushing your favorite Fuzzes, and OD's alike...what more could you want?..( except a Bass control knob ).......Congrats Bjorn on an outstanding project!...

Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:13 pm
by Realfi
EyeFly wrote:Realfi wrote:Hmmm, I hope it's not too bright for me.
I'm 80-90% Tele bridge pickups and generally use a fair bit of treble roll-off on overdrives (treble at 2 o'clock on my Timmy for example).
I guess in the next few days I'll find out for myself.
There is a lot of "adjustment" range for the treble and the drive. You'll find some very useful and useable sounds and settings!!
Good to know, cheers!

Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:36 pm
by DocRock
Thanks for the reviews, guys.......that's what these projects are all about, helping with research, etc.
And, it's fun!!!
Keep 'em coming.........

Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:27 am
by EyeFly
...had just a brief opportunity to stack the SYOD in front of the Model R late last night....Model R at 9/12/3, left to right; SYOD at 10/10/2, left to right; bridge p/u ...can you say rhythm haRRRRRRRmonics and single note suuuuuusssssssttttttttaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn??? It's infectious!!

Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:46 am
by cabo
also heres a link to the "What better place to share this" thread. some good related info there as well,,, DAOD,LPOD,and SYOD content. ... 7210143501

Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:19 am
by Donner
Excellent feedback guys - this is the 'batch' point, to watch a number of people 'honeymoon' it at the same time -
Just like the R is an amazing pedal in the right rig, but can sound like crap thru the wrong rig, thats exactly what this is about, let us know how it sounds in YOUR rig, and remember to remind us what your rig is... speakers are important.
We want to find out NOW if it really needs something else like the EGDMs internal treble/presence trim .... or if it just should not be used with certain rigs....
thanks again and keep it coming......

Fri Oct 12, 2007 4:49 pm
by analoghog
EyeFly wrote:...had just a brief opportunity to stack the SYOD in front of the Model R late last night....Model R at 9/12/3, left to right; SYOD at 10/10/2, left to right; bridge p/u ...can you say rhythm haRRRRRRRmonics and single note suuuuuusssssssttttttttaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnn??? It's infectious!!
i think that is where this pedal is going to really shine, pushing other pedals...making great sounding pedals sound better....the bonus is, it sounds great alone as well !!!

Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:20 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
I've had a bit more time with the SYOD and the main thing that has come shining through is that I really like the core tone of this pedal. It sounds fundamentally much different than any other OD I have.
Like others, I'm dialing the treble back between 9 o'clock and noon. At that level, it sounds just tremendous in my opinion. I also like the fact that it has some grit and gain that really make it grab your tonal attention. It really jumps out compared to the HB and the BBOD.
I'm playing through a Germino Club 40 that has G 12 H speakers in it. It's a plexi type amp and is pretty bright in it's own right. I have the treble at 0, the bass and mids at 10 --- through a strat.

Fri Oct 12, 2007 10:58 pm
by EyeFly
I agree that the SYOD has a great tone on its own....played it WFO tonight in the privacy of a vacated home.....I'm afraid I lost a bit of hearing but it really does 'sparkle' at volume...
and, here's a couple of combo's to consider:
1) SYOD at 9/10/3, left to right, into CAF at 9/10/9....not a grit or grind really but I'd call it grainy and "light metallic" any rate, it was pleasing, not harsh as I would have suspected so long as you don't crank the Fuzz on the CAF. I'd label it somewhere between fuzz and distortion...perhaps "fuzzortion"
2) SYOD as above with EGDM at 9/1/9, left to right, produced a very "bouncy" sound....if you know the EGDM sound, just "spring" it up a notch to something a little "spongier" and you get the gist...again, a very pleasing sound utilizing the gain of the SYOD and the "flavor" of the EGDM at lower distortion....
My rig is one I would consider bright as well....PRS Custom 22 (generally the Treble or outside coils) into THD Flexi 50 with THD 2X12 and Classic Lead 80's...I run everything through my PGC and generally keep it on (12/1/11) and, based on recent recommendations regarding "rediscovering the mids", I have the MDEQ at the end of the chain, on, with the bass at 1, mids at 2:30, and treble backed off to 10 o'clock...generally on as well. If I want to push the whole train a little harder, I run a Klon at the beginning with low gain, treble at 11, and output just above unity.
The hour is late and the spirit is weary; there will certainly be more combinations forthcoming...only wish I perhaps had a couple other brands of pedals to "push around" with the SYOD to see how much it embellishes other products....perhaps there are some threads brewing out there regarding this very subject..............