Re: One Control - BJF Design demos

A vintage JMX analog delay (rebranded Guyatone) with my favorite after dirt combination; OC lemon yellow compressor in sustain mode into the prussian blue reverb... yummy!!
Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic II ➟ TC Electronic Polytune Noir ➟ BJFE Mighty Green Minivibe Deluxe ➟ Analogman King Of Tone ➟ One Control Lemon Yellow Compressor (sustain mode) ➟ One Control Prussian Blue Reverb ➟ JMX Analog Delay @ 18 volts ➟ Boss RC-30 Dual Track Looper ➟ Laney Cub 10

Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic II ➟ TC Electronic Polytune Noir ➟ BJFE Mighty Green Minivibe Deluxe ➟ Analogman King Of Tone ➟ One Control Lemon Yellow Compressor (sustain mode) ➟ One Control Prussian Blue Reverb ➟ JMX Analog Delay @ 18 volts ➟ Boss RC-30 Dual Track Looper ➟ Laney Cub 10