This very stack concept literally saved my tone this past week. My Guytron went down and had to be sent out for repairs. In the meantime, I was given a loaner amp that I absolutely HATE. (Although it was *extremely* kind of the people to loan me the amp, or I would have had nothing!) The lead channel is unuseable, and the clean channel took me an hour to find anything even tolerable.
BJF to the rescue!!! Normally I would put booster last in the pedal chain. With this set-up, though, I put my BJF Amber last, with RRB feeding into it. I am able to use the volume knob on Amber to limit how much overall signal hits the front end of the amp so that there isn't too great a volume jump.
Amber by itself set with Volume at 11:00, Treble at 9:00, and Drive at 5:00 yields a great classic rock overdrive. Then I feed RRB into Amber with RRB set to about 3:00 (

). This yields a great hi-gain guitar hero tone without too much of a volume jump on the front end of the amp. And the hi-gain tone I get from doing this with the pedals is FAR superior to what the amplifier's lame lead channel could ever produce.
SO ... if you ever get stuck with a crap amp like I did, just do this. It will solve many problems for you. I would imagine that this type of stack would translate well to use with the other BJF drives, such as RRB>LGW, RRB>DRD, RRB>BBOD, RRB>HBOD, etc. You get the idea....
Have fun