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Bearfoot Homey Beeatch - What settings do you like?

Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:40 am
by MBT74
Just got one of these today and having a ball playing with it so far. Who else is playing one, how do you use it in your pedalboard and what settings do you like best for it?
So far I've had it set with the T knob fully CCW and the M knob around or just above 9:00. Gain at 10:00 - 11:00 running into a Tim set to light OD.
Re: Bearfoot Homey Beeatch - What settings do you like?

Thu Feb 13, 2014 10:03 am
by colourtones
Great score! These bad boys are hard to come by as I believe only 16 were made.
I did a lengthy comparison/contrast review between mine and my BJFE HB #93.
You can find it under page 3 of a thread on this forum called "definitive honey bee history of circuit revisions" or something like that. It is far more versatile than any stock bee with the t and m controls without a doubt so as far as how to use it......
It's more like how can it not be used?! You have a pedal that goes from pretty much clean boost through every shade up to medium overdrive with powerful(extremely well thought out)
Eq controls. I have found great utility in every stacked configuration, rig or genre I have tried.
Put plainly, it just sounds good. Enjoy.
Btw, to answer your other question, I like it how you have it set with the t knob between
7:00-10:00. Having said that the interactive controls make the tonal sky the limit.
Re: Bearfoot Homey Beeatch - What settings do you like?

Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:34 pm
by MBT74
Not sure about the number made because I think mine says 62 on it. They are still showing as available on the website for Deluxe Guitars in Melbourne.
It really is a wonderful pedal. The combination of the M and T knobs give so much variation in sound. I was going to hang out for the Uber Bee but when I read that it starts where the standard bee runs at 11:00 in gain I jumped on this version instead. I play more low gain.
I couldn't be happier with this pedal.
Re: Bearfoot Homey Beeatch - What settings do you like?

Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:29 am
by colourtones
OK. I was not aware of the Uber gain starting at 11 of standard. Thanks! I too am a low gainer making the Homey Beeatch the ultimate in utility and versatility for me. As far as the # made Donner will have to clarify but I remember only a research run of 16.
MBT74 btw, where did you read the description about the uber bee? It sounds 1/2 way between the gain of standard and beest with a treble control. I like the darker to lighter m "mature" control!
Re: Bearfoot Homey Beeatch - What settings do you like?

Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:48 am
by thesjkexperience
The Beeatch I have is from the first BF anniversary with the girl on it and I preferred it to all other Bees, the BF MG and even a BJFE MG I had on loan at the time. I do wish it had more boosting volume, so I do need to try an Uber Bee sometime.
I had a plain Beeatch in the 40s that was not the same as the anniversary batch.
I use mine several different ways. I run it at about 7.5 Volts, V around 2 o'clock, D around 1, N between noon and 9 depending on the amp and T around 1. This is my stack/lead boost setting. See pedal chain below.
I run it at 9 Volts, V between noon and 2, D at 2:45, N around 10 and T between 11 and 1 depending on the guitar. This is typical for use as an OD, but when I want to go for the old Supro/original tweed Fender tone I run the N between 8 and 9.
I run it at 12 Volts, V between 2 and 5, D at 1, N between 10&11 and T between noon and 2. This is more rare for me as I prefer to use a SBEQ for this need.
Almost any pedal sounds great running into it and I like to run a HBOD into the Beeatch. I want to try the Uber into the Beeatch and vice versa. I hope I can hold out a month to get a used one.
Re: Bearfoot Homey Beeatch - What settings do you like?

Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:40 pm
by Donner
..... the original anniversary Myrold beeatches , Honey and Homey Beeatches are all sequential numbers as they were all the same research line that led to the Uber.....
Th Uber is actually starting cleaner than a regular bee...
But when Bjorn was here and we tweeked out the Uber , the very first version had it with a lot more gain before we dropped it back to start clean...... and you may have read that very first report that was changed the next day.......
so for the record the Uber starts at the clean Honey Boost setting that has the Bee eq but no distortion and climbs from there toabout double the bee dirt......
hope that helps.....
Re: Bearfoot Homey Beeatch - What settings do you like?

Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:38 am
by MBT74
Interesting. Thanks for the reply Donner. I must have missed the update about the Uber being lower than the Bee. My mistake.
Still loving the Homey though. I'm happy with my choice.