Re: Black Bear

Donner wrote:thesjkexperience wrote:Donner, will it be possible to do the time based effects (hey, we weren't supposed to talk about this?) in stereo? I really like all the Strymon Mobius can do and ran it in stereo at the last jam and some of the settings were amazing! I'm using the TC Flashback because it is easy though I do miss the true stereo of the strymon timeline it was just too complicated for my needs.
Funny you should mention that - mono/ stereo is something we rare taking an interesting look at ....... I wonder how many people ever really use stereo ?
My guess is few. I keep looking for a nice, true stereo delay and there is not much to choose from. I have run stereo a few times at jams and the difficult thing, if you do not have two amps exactly the same, is trying to get a volume balance between the amps. I am thinking of selling my SST-30 and try and find another used AST Pro so I can have two amps that are similar.
What has always bothered me about a lot of the newer bands is how unimaginative they are in the production. Something like 1970s Pink Floyd or even 1960s Beatles & Hendrix had so much going on and you think of the massive challenge putting together Dark Side of the Moon, Sgt Pepper or Electric Ladyland. Even the first 5 Queen LPs could be done relatively easily with digital technology and computers yet no one is being interesting at all.