Though I am not the best to demonstrate, I will certainly do my best.

It's still in the mail. My only gripe is the $34 required for postage. I mean, seriously??
Bjorn told me that he mainly made changes to the fuzz and boost controls. The boost was improved to full-range whereas the stock thinned out the fuzz sound undesirably. As for the fuzz, to his ears there was a lot of noise in the decay of notes so he built a type gate that chops off the undesirable effect. Now the notes are more defined “while also allowing devastating disaster sound followed by silence.” YES!!! Thank you, Bjorn!
As a fan of the Oh Sees I was already flirting with the idea of grabbing thee ffuzz warr overload... but for less than $100 over DBA stock price[$317 shipped to the states], how could i not jump on Bjorn's mod? This is one of just 11 made. How is this not sold out? I mean, come on!