Your name here wrote:thesjkexperience wrote:Is this exactly like the Mystoury Fuzz? I am almost ready to kick my tuner off the board lol.
I assumed so, as we didn't see much back and forth or any mention of tweaks. Plus, it's come to market not long after the Mystoury... but who knows... Maybe Bjorn and DonneR decided to tweak it.
EDIT: Also, it sounded very close to my AWF. The Mystoury was a bit darker over all and had more a bit more gain than my AWF. It also sounded a touch more wooly, when compared directly with mine.
I, sadly, have not owned a AWF, but we all know there are differences between pedals due to components, amount of solder, humidity, etc. (I had two different Honey Beeatches and they were so different!) Some Bearfoot pedals seem really close (SBEQ, and many of the other three knob pedals) but some, especially the 4 knob versions, are adjustable in different ways which makes them able to sound different. The CAF sounds very different as a 4 knob Bearfoot which I find more useable and some like the BF EGDM are pretty far from the original. However, that my be due to my attachment to the original BJFE circuit and parts and resulting sound.
Fuzz has a greater tendency to vary pedal to pedal for most builders IMHO. I liked the Mystoury Fuzz, but I bought one due to reading how other people on this board were using it and I hope it can fill a niche that I fill now with a great pedal, but it is so temperamental it really can not be relied on.
THe trouble now is it becomes hard to let so some pedals that sound amazing even if you do not use them much. I need to build a small board from some extra baltic birch I have and set it up for my small Swart which seems to prefer different pedals than the two larger amps.
Gunbarrel Guitars, Evidence Audio wires.