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Donner wrote:.... yes Mystoury fans should be pleased with the AWF (but dont tell anyone) .. I really like it and everyone else seemed to dig it so ... its alive !!! And remember the Arctic White was a tweekout from the Snow White ...... and yes I think the BearFoot AWF has a bit more juice and wool thanks to the beefier trannies .... it also has an even lower noise floor which I didnt think was possible
... I got the first handful out in the mail last night so there should be some new owners by Monday ......
melodichaotic wrote:Donner wrote:.... yes Mystoury fans should be pleased with the AWF (but dont tell anyone) .. I really like it and everyone else seemed to dig it so ... its alive !!! And remember the Arctic White was a tweekout from the Snow White ...... and yes I think the BearFoot AWF has a bit more juice and wool thanks to the beefier trannies .... it also has an even lower noise floor which I didnt think was possible
... I got the first handful out in the mail last night so there should be some new owners by Monday ......
...sooo, the Mystery Fuzz is the AWF? I had PM'd you about demoing it or not, but never heard back from you...no matter, as I gather you pulled the MF research thread for that reason? If that's the case, since I have the peds and will send them off tomorrow, I wouldn't mind giving a more thorough review of the MF/AWF.
I think it sounds more like what a really good silicon FF should sound like...full and tight, not overly loose and wooly, though there is some wool..also when you turn it down, sounds very reminiscent of a FF with that top end sparkle(cleans up exceptionally well)..definitely more refined and a bit more gain than the BJF AWF, which was looser, but still tight....the treble control on the BF MF is definitely more useable than on the BJF...and I've had a SWF, Smokey Orange Fuzz(the proto of the AWF, as well as an early AWF which I liked the best).
thiscalltoarms wrote:melodichaotic wrote:Donner wrote:.... yes Mystoury fans should be pleased with the AWF (but dont tell anyone) .. I really like it and everyone else seemed to dig it so ... its alive !!! And remember the Arctic White was a tweekout from the Snow White ...... and yes I think the BearFoot AWF has a bit more juice and wool thanks to the beefier trannies .... it also has an even lower noise floor which I didnt think was possible
... I got the first handful out in the mail last night so there should be some new owners by Monday ......
...sooo, the Mystery Fuzz is the AWF? I had PM'd you about demoing it or not, but never heard back from you...no matter, as I gather you pulled the MF research thread for that reason? If that's the case, since I have the peds and will send them off tomorrow, I wouldn't mind giving a more thorough review of the MF/AWF.
I think it sounds more like what a really good silicon FF should sound like...full and tight, not overly loose and wooly, though there is some wool..also when you turn it down, sounds very reminiscent of a FF with that top end sparkle(cleans up exceptionally well)..definitely more refined and a bit more gain than the BJF AWF, which was looser, but still tight....the treble control on the BF MF is definitely more useable than on the BJF...and I've had a SWF, Smokey Orange Fuzz(the proto of the AWF, as well as an early AWF which I liked the best).
What difference did you notice with the treble control Melodic?
melodichaotic wrote:
Phew... just banged out three demos in a row of the BF EGDM, PPF, and Mystery Fuzz so you will hear shortly when I posted them what I'm hearing. Treble range, at least from 12 noon to full CW gives you more bite and clarity throughout that swing at lower and higher fuzz settings comprared to the BJF...now that I had a chance to crank it a bit unlike before, I hear the evolution from the BJF AWF...a bit more refined but still loose and vintage-y sounding, about 10-15% more gain, and has the right amount of wooliness compared with the BJFE...really sounds vibey and nice...I would venture to say it's the best
version yet
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