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Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:58 am
by colourtones
I know this has been discussed in previous threads but.... I do not have 100% clarity on the topic.
I am familiar with HBs #100-200 as well as the HB deluxe but have never tried any in the 1-99 range. Not sure about the accuracy but have read 1-5 were very dark, there was a lightening of the circuit from 6-to around 100, possibly another around 200 and up and definitely another at and beyond 400 which bearfoot adopted in the 3 knob hb. Anyway, I am interested in aural information regarding the 1-5 and 6-99 serial # range of the bjfe hb.
Thanks everyone.
Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:41 pm
by rockeroo
My HBOD is sub #025, and the pedal is very loose and dark. I owned one in the 600's at one point, and they were quite different. More mids and sparkle available on the newer HBOD. Sometimes I scratch my head over which one suits my needs better. I find it surprising that people drool over the dark bees as much as they do. I am very curious what the rationale is there. There are times when going that dark and loose just won't work with what I do. Having a HBOD and Model G available solves this issue for me. The G lends a tighter, more present tonality that works when the HBOD does not fit. Added bonus: HBOD and Model G stacked for lead tones.
What's the lust for the early HBODs about? Can someone enlighten me?
Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:09 pm
by colourtones
Thanks for the input Rockeroo. My interest in the early HBODs is twofold:
1) Although I play all styles of music, most of my gigs are jazz oriented. There are very few low gain ods that work at putting warm hair on your tone organically. Not to be cliche but the natural amp like touch sensitivity of the hb excels at this in such a realistic way for me. This allows me to run the gain very low into a solid state amp and get an octal ga50t approximation that is very realistic. Winding up the gain and stacking bright boosts, ods, distortions and fuzzes into the hb allows me to cover all the other styles gigs/sessions.
2)I have interest in whether or not Bjorns development of the hb was incrementally gradual over the course of all the bees or if there were specific changes at specific numbers like the v1 and v2 bbods for instance.
My preference leans toward the early darker bees. I also have interest in knowing the specific Homey Beeatchs' fourth knob darkness width.(i.e. Will it reach the darkness of the first 5? Will the darkness blanket lift to the final revision? Will this be applied to the final production 4 bf knob bee?)
Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:10 pm
by horsehead75
Hi everybody,
Interesting topic!
I've had quite a few HB through years, first was the one that I bouhgt back in 2002 from Harri, #005. That's my dearest one! As well said before it is "loose and dark". I keep it dimed all the way.
I've had HB's #200+, #300+ and #400+ aswell #032. Comparing 032 and 005, 032 seemed mushier. And remembering right, the others were totally different to #005.
I have also HB Dlx and MG, that surely cover my overdrive needs.
I just LOVE my #005! In fact I once had a meeting with Bjorn, when I asked if he could make exact backup HB for my #005. He said it would be possible.
Soundwise, that's the pedal I know: love it with its lowgain-warmth thing with my Telecasters and MP amps..
Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:14 pm
by colourtones
Great response horsehead75! So let me see if I have this right. Is the gain of your #5 lower but the bass darker yet tighter? If yes, that sounds like something I would really dig. Thanks.
Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:33 pm
by horsehead75
Yes, you got it right!
I think the latter HB's surely had bit more gain, that made it mushy, with darkish era.
Would love to compare rockeroo's 025 to my 005!

Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:10 pm
by rockeroo
What gear do you usually play through, Horsehead? I can demo the HBOD through whatever guitar/amp combo is appropriate. I have access to strats, telecasters and an SG. Amp-wise, I have an old JMP50, 71' deluxe reverb with a red fang, AC30, orange dual terror, mesa boogie stiletto, 60s bassman, 60s bandmaster and JC-120 for solid state tones.
The early HBOD is so intriguing after having owned a +600s HBOD and a Honey Girl from Bearfoot. There are so many nuances!
post-scriptum edit...
OBVIOUSLY, you play through MP amps.

Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Fri Jul 05, 2013 2:43 pm
by horsehead75
Yes, "unfortunately" I only have MP amps
But still, mainly 6V6-style amps w/ Red Fangs. Your Fender Deluxe might do right!
Would be interesting to hear 025 sample! Thanks for the offer! But no pressure about it.
Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:47 pm
by colourtones
Realizing many users may not relate to my application I want to clarify usage of tube amplifiers as well as solid state. Sometimes I run each in a left/right configuration with great results. I have used bf pro reverbs, tweed deluxes, etc... My favorite tube platform is my ultra rare 90's black Russian Sovtek Mig 30. It has a pristine clean tweed bassman vibe that is hard to top for a blank pedal canvas. The bee has an exceptional tone through it. Big tube sound with small amp warm grind. Another reason for my interest in the earlier low gain, warmer yet tight bass bees. This lower gain quality is also being discussed on the EGDM guinea pig thread with great enthusiasm. One of my primary interests in the lower gain pedals is they have a tendancy to sound and behave more realistically. Due to the traditional EGDM into HBOD stack being so complimentary a question comes to mind:
How would a low gain EG guinea pig stack into an early low gain, tight bass bee? My initial thought is a wider tonal/gain range could be achieved. Thoughts?
Re: Definitive Honey Bee history of circuit revisions

Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:39 pm
by colourtones
Had a shootout tonight with bjfe hb #93, bjfe hb #173, bjfe hb deluxe #36 and bf hb #483.
Details to follow.