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Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:36 pm
by duaner58
You name the fuzz I have tried.. pre and post. A TS9 into a muff circuit was the best one I have heard yet.. Actually I boosted a FF w/ a BBOD with my guitar volume knob slightly backed off and that was kind of cool... Just never really had luck w/ treble boosters, etc... (had the sunlion... cool pedal, but meh)
Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:12 pm
by rasputin1176
Getting things to play nice is something everyone has issues at some time with. I use 2 vintage muffs a Sovtek & Civil War (I'm planning to rehouse one for better durability) I always felt they played well with others. I always felt vintage muffs were little more distortion than fuzz just by sound, it really depends on model, and many modern takes on the muff have much more gain & fuzz sound.
I've used/use many others too; I can vouch for the Skreddy & Paul Trombetta as working with buffers and boosts very well.
After my AnalogMan Sunface NKT-275 white dot working great with the BJFe PH stacked I was pleasantly surprised. My feeling is you will be ok using the BPB with many fuzzes. BjFe & Cornish buffers are my favorite personally.
If you don't have a specific fuzz you want to use in mind maybe get the BPB first then match a fuzz with it, there many good ones that will work.
Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:23 pm
by Donner
well since we are talking about things being concieved, and alot of fuzz meisters here ~~~ you will all have some big Fuzz fun coming up

Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:07 pm
by rasputin1176
Donner wrote:well since we are talking about things being concieved, and alot of fuzz meisters here ~~~ you will all have some big Fuzz fun coming up

I know I didn't even mention the BJFe fuzzes! Though I figured it was a given those work great with others....
Awesome news

Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Wed Oct 17, 2012 5:46 pm
by cajone5
Fuzz is where it's at

Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:54 pm
by Your name here
Good thing I've been working too much overtime... The holidays are going to be expensive for me this year.

Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:17 pm
by Donner

Protos sound just like Bjorns --- should have the first batch end of next week

Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:38 pm
by Your name here
Awesome! This'll make a cool wallpaper...
Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:44 pm
by Donner
Classic Cleans

Re: If you wondered how babies were concieved ....

Sat Oct 20, 2012 4:55 am
by Skinny Minnie
Great !
But where did the chickenhead knob go???