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Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 9:27 am
by Donner
... lots of stuff bubbling on the backburners and behind the scenes - new BearFoot boards that should allow plenty of new goodies over the next couple years ..... many of these are BJF classics and there will need to be research rounds for most of them to pre-verify their quality
So what do you think of the research process we have used over the last few years - good/bad what can be improved ~~ ???

Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:03 am
by Your name here
I've never been involved in a Research Round yet, but I'd like to have a go...
Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:22 am
by cajone5
I think it works great as long as folks post reviews describing their gear and their honest take on the pedals. Afterall, it's research and good, bad and in-between opinions should be shared to get the best results.
I have noticed that with the Bearfoot stuff it seems like minimal tweaking is done between "research" and release in comparison to some of the BJFe research offerings in the past. So I guess it all depends what the goal of the research is. Are you looking for a controlled first release to make sure all is functioning as new or are you looking for insights into tweaks to a "design in progress" of sorts? I am sure a lot of this has to do with how well things have been vetted on the BJF side already (most of the research on BF models has been on ones released pretty widely as BJFe with some slight tweaks). Will there be some opportunity to truly do some research and tweaking of future models? I'd be interested in that more than the tweaks of the BJFe standards. Anyway, that's my thoughts on the whole research thing, for what it's worth.
Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:47 am
by Donner
Right the BearFoot stuff for the most part is reproducing already researched BJFe stuff and its also that there is so much stuff on the backburners that putting energy into a completely new design is almost counterproductive ... though it would be fun to do a group design from the bottom up of something original....
Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:56 am
by rockeroo
Donner wrote:Right the BearFoot stuff for the most part is reproducing already researched BJFe stuff and its also that there is so much stuff on the backburners that putting energy into a completely new design is almost counterproductive ... though it would be fun to do a group design from the bottom up of something original....
The Honey Beest and DRHD had a bit of tweaking during the research process ... as did the MH4K. Though these tweaks are minor, they certainly improve upon the capabilities of the given pedal. I am glad to have been part of that creative journey. Everything can ALWAYS be improved upon ... some things (such as, most of Bjorn's designs) do not have as much room to grow as others.
I would certainly like to be part of future testing and development -- perhaps some FUZZ?
Thanks for all of your work towards the goal of creating access to excellent tonal devices, Donner.
Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:00 pm
by Hulakatt
I think it would be great to take one of the earlier designs that evolved into something else (like the dyna blue) and use a research batch to tweak it into a different direction than what it evolved into. Same starting point, different landing so to speak. I concur with Rockeroo as well, the world needs more fuzz!
Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:11 pm
by cajone5
rockeroo wrote:Donner wrote:Right the BearFoot stuff for the most part is reproducing already researched BJFe stuff and its also that there is so much stuff on the backburners that putting energy into a completely new design is almost counterproductive ... though it would be fun to do a group design from the bottom up of something original....
The Honey Beest and DRHD had a bit of tweaking during the research process ... as did the MH4K. Though these tweaks are minor, they certainly improve upon the capabilities of the given pedal. I am glad to have been part of that creative journey. Everything can ALWAYS be improved upon ... some things (such as, most of Bjorn's designs) do not have as much room to grow as others.
I would certainly like to be part of future testing and development -- perhaps some FUZZ?
Thanks for all of your work towards the goal of creating access to excellent tonal devices, Donner.
Would LOVE some fuzz pedals to surface. That's really where my passion lies in "gain".
And what was the tweak on the MH4k? It's one pedal that I really do miss and will probably look for again soon. Would be interested to hear what changed since I had the research version.
Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:24 pm
by rockeroo
I was attempting to say the Bearfoot MH4K circuit is a Bearfoot altered form of the BJFE MH4K circuit -- a la treble knobber and gain reduction. I do not remember those happening via forum "research", but research was voluntarily performed by MH3K users everywhere. The Beest and DRHD had minor tweaks before a final production circuit was decided upon.
I hope this clarifies my comments.
I also hope I am accurate in my comments.
Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:59 pm
by jdandry
For sure a fuzz or two! I LOVE my Folk Fuzz 3.5%
Re: Research research .....

Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:04 pm
by thesjkexperience
My main beef is we need to throw our hat in the ring before we have an idea of what type of pedal it is and I feel we should get a bit of a price break unless the researchers have some option to have the original boxes stuffed with the improvements down the road.
One of the best pedals I have bought in the last year was the Honey Beeatch which really took me by surprise because I do not recall seeing anything before that which hinted at what it would/could do. I just felt lucky that had cash to take a chance on what is a fantastic branch of the HBOD tree.
I have far more amazing dirt pedals than can fit on my board and I know dirt that didn't make the board is still better than what 99.99% of guitarists have. I still wish for a pedal that can cover a great univibe, an extreme univibe/Leslie and phaser. I still want a flanger that will sound like the end of Jimi's Axis Bold As Love with tap tempo.